Why You Should Never Ban Books

Why You Should Never Ban Books

Why You Should Never Ban Books

You can’t find a civilization in the history of mankind that hasn’t had some form of censorship or book banning. From ancient China to modern-day America, governments and individuals have tried to suppress ideas they deemed dangerous or harmful.

Book banning is a form of censorship that restricts access to certain materials, usually books or other printed works. It’s often done with the intention of “protecting society” from harmful ideas or offensive content.

Some of the much-loved titles that have been banned over the years are:

  • “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger – Banned due to its use of profanity and sexual content
  • “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee – Banned for its depiction of racial inequality and offensive language.
  • “1984” by George Orwell – Banned for its criticism of totalitarianism and political censorship.
  • “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley – Banned for its depiction of drug use and sexuality.
  • “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker – Banned for its depictions of rape, incest, and homosexuality.
  • “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury – Banned for its criticism of censorship and book burning.
  • “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck – Banned due to profanity and offensive language.

Governments may talk a good game about wanting to protect their citizens, but banning books is a flawed and dangerous approach. Let’s explore why.

10 reasons why you shouldn’t ban books

1. It violates freedom of speech and expression

Banning books infringes on the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech and expression. People have the right to express themselves freely, even if their ideas are unpopular or uncomfortable.

Freedom of expression, particularly in the West, is considered a fundamental human right. Book banning runs counter to this principle and undermines the very foundations of democracy.

2. It limits intellectual freedom

Book banning limits access to information and ideas, which can stunt intellectual growth and limit one’s ability to learn about the world around them. Intellectual freedom is essential to a healthy democracy and an educated populace.

When books are banned, people are denied the opportunity to form their own opinions based on a wide range of perspectives. This leads to groupthink and conformity instead of critical thinking and individuality.

3. It ignores the complexity of human experience

Banning books simplifies complex issues and ignores the nuance of human experience. Controversial topics such as sexuality, race, religion, and politics are often at the center of book banning efforts.

However, these topics are a part of the human experience and should be explored thoughtfully and honestly in literature. Banning books that deal with difficult subjects is an attempt to ignore or suppress important conversations that need to happen.

4. History has shown it doesn’t work

Throughout history, book banning has been attempted by various governments and organizations, but it has never succeeded in eliminating the ideas or information contained within those books.

In fact, attempts to ban books often result in increased interest and demand for them. People want to know what all the fuss is about, and they will go out of their way to read banned material.

Additionally, book banning can have unintended consequences. It can create an underground network of people who share banned materials, which could lead to further censorship efforts by the government or other groups.

5. It’s usually based on subjective opinions

Book banning is often based on subjective opinions rather than objective criteria. What one person finds offensive or harmful may not be the same for another.

Subjective judgments can lead to overzealous censorship and a lack of diversity in literature. It’s important that people have access to a wide range of ideas and perspectives, even if some find them uncomfortable or controversial.

6. It can have a negative impact on mental health

Banning books can have a negative impact on mental health, particularly for young people who are still developing their identities and beliefs.

Reading provides an escape from reality and allows individuals to explore different perspectives and experiences. When books are banned, it limits the range of material available to readers, which could lead to feelings of isolation or confusion.

Furthermore, banning certain books may send the message that certain topics or ideas are shameful or taboo. This can lead to shame and internalized prejudice in individuals who identify with those topics or ideas.

7. It’s a slippery slope

Book banning is a slippery slope that can lead to further restrictions on freedom of expression and access to information. Once one type of material is banned, it opens the door for others to be targeted as well.

Banning books sets a dangerous precedent, allowing governments or organizations to decide what people should read or think. This undermines individual autonomy and free will, which are foundational values in democratic societies.

8. It’s a form of cultural erasure

Banning books is a form of cultural erasure, as it eliminates the voices and perspectives of certain groups from the literary canon. This is especially true for marginalized or minority communities whose stories are often underrepresented in mainstream literature.

By banning books that deal with these communities’ experiences, their histories and struggles are silenced and erased from the public consciousness. This perpetuates systemic oppression and denies individuals access to their own narratives.

9. It damages trust

People already have a natural distrust of those in power, and book banning only exacerbates that. When governments or organizations ban books, it sends the message that they don’t trust their citizens to think for themselves, and it tells citizens that their government is hiding information from them.

The subject matter is immaterial; it’s the act of censorship itself that damages trust. In a healthy democracy, citizens should be able to trust their government and institutions to uphold democratic values such as freedom of expression and access to information.

10. Authors work really hard

Not only is book banning unfair to readers but also to the banned books’ authors who put their heart and soul into creating something meaningful. Authors spend months or even years researching, writing, editing and revising their work. Banning their books denies them the right to have their voices heard and ideas shared with the world.


I don’t know about you, but I’m a firm believer in the power of literature to broaden our horizons, challenge our assumptions and spark important conversations. Banning books goes against everything that literature stands for.

Instead of banning books, we should be encouraging open dialogue and critical thinking. We should be promoting diverse perspectives and stories that reflect the complexities of human experience.

As readers, we have the power to fight against book banning by supporting authors whose works have been targeted, educating ourselves on the issues at hand and advocating for free speech and expression. It’s our duty to exercise that power, because, as we know all too well, sooner or later, we’ll lose even more of our rights.