Why You Should Never Be Too Available

Why you should never be too available

Why You Should Never Be Too Available

In today’s world, it seems like we’re always ‘on.’ We’re constantly checking our phones, and replying to texts, emails, and various other notifications. We feel the need to be available at all times in case someone needs us.

But is this really healthy?

In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why being available all the time is not a good thing.

6 reasons why you shouldn’t be too available

1. People will take advantage of you

If you’re always available, people will start to take advantage of you. They’ll think that you don’t have a life outside of them and that you’re always free to help them out or do favors for them.

This will lead to people taking advantage of your good nature and expecting more from you than they should.

2. It’s normal (and healthy!) to have some alone time

We all need some time to ourselves to relax and recharge. If you’re always available, you’ll never get this important alone time.

And before long, you’ll become overwhelmed and stressed out. It’s important to take some time for yourself every day, even if it’s just a few minutes.

3. Being too available can be seen as desperate

Nothing screams “I don’t have a life” more than being available 24/7!

If you’re too available, people may start to think that you’re desperate and pathetic. It will look like you don’t have many friends or that you’re lonely.

People tend to want to steer clear of others who seem desperate for their attention, as they’ll worry that you’ll become needy or clingy.

This is especially true in the dating world. When you’re always available, it can be a turn-off for potential partners. They’ll think that you’re not busy or interesting enough to have other options.

4. You’ll never get anything done

Being too available means that you’ll never be able to get anything done! You’ll be too busy helping others and putting your own plans on hold in case someone else needs you.

This will only frustrate you and lead to a lot of unfinished projects or goals.

5. It makes you look boring

Let’s face it, if you’re always available, you’re probably not doing much with your time. People will think that you don’t have a life outside of them and that you’re just sitting around waiting for them to contact you.

This can make you seem uninteresting. If you want people to think of you as a fun and exciting person, you need to have a life that doesn’t revolve around them.

6. People won’t value your time

If you’re always available, people won’t think that your time is valuable. They’ll think that you have nothing better to do, and thus they won’t feel bad for interrupting you or wasting your time.

But if you’re not always available, people will start to respect your time more. They’ll know that you have other things going on and they’ll greatly appreciate the time you spend with them.


This is all about striking the right balance. It’s okay to be available for people when they need you, but you should also have your own life outside of them so that no one has the opportunity to take advantage of you.

You should also choose those you help wisely. If you’re always available for someone who never reciprocates, it’s probably best to limit the amount of time you devote to them.