Why You Should Never Chase A Man

Why You Should Never Chase A Man

Why You Should Never Chase A Man

Ladies, as much as we’d all like to believe in the fairy tale where the guy chases us relentlessly until he wins our heart, the harsh reality of dating is that it’s rarely ever that straightforward. Sometimes, we find ourselves hopelessly crushing on a guy who seems to be “just not that into us.”

There isn’t a woman out there who hasn’t found herself in this frustrating position at some point in her life. We’ve all played the delusion game, convincing ourselves that if we just try a little harder or be a little more available, he’ll see how amazing we are and fall madly in love with us…

And it never works! Chasing a man – any man – is just a bad strategy all around. But I can see you need some more convincing.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t chase a guy

1. You’ll come across as desperate

I hate to break it to you, but men can smell desperation from a mile away. When you’re constantly chasing a guy, he’s going to pick up on it and assume that you don’t have any other options or hobbies outside of him.

You’d be better off cultivating your own interests and passions so that when you do date someone, they’re just an added bonus to the fantastic life you’ve already built for yourself.

2. You’re putting all the power in his hands

The chase is an essential part of any relationship, but it’s supposed to be a two-way street. When you’re the one constantly pursuing him, you’re essentially giving him all the power in the dynamic.

This can be a slippery slope, as he may start to take you for granted or even lose interest altogether because there’s no challenge for him.

3. You’re not respecting yourself

If you have to chase a guy, then it’s pretty clear that he’s not treating you the way you deserve to be treated. No one should have to convince someone else of their worth or value in order to be seen as desirable.

By chasing him and putting up with less than stellar treatment, you’re essentially showing him (and everyone else) how little respect you have for yourself.

4. If you have to chase him, he’s not interested

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if a guy isn’t showing any interest in you, it’s probably because there is no interest! As much as it may hurt to hear this, chasing him is never going to change that fact.

Men don’t usually have to be convinced to like someone they’re genuinely interested in. If he’s not making any effort to pursue you, then it’s time to move on and find someone who will.

5. Relationships built on chasing have an expiration date

Even if you do manage to “win” the guy over by constantly pursuing him, chances are that relationship isn’t going to last very long. Relationships that are built on a foundation of one person always chasing after the other aren’t truly balanced or healthy.

Eventually, you’re going to get tired of doing all the pursuing and start feeling resentful towards him. Or he’ll get bored with the lack of challenge and move on to someone he actually wants.

6. Men want the women they can’t have

It’s a well-known fact that people tend to want what they can’t have. If you’re constantly available and always chasing him, then he knows that he doesn’t have to work very hard to keep your attention.

On the other hand, if you make it clear that you have boundaries and aren’t going to chase after him, he may become more interested in trying to win you over.

7. It’s stressful

Chasing after someone can leave you feeling exhausted and stressed out, both emotionally and physically. It’s not a healthy way to live, constantly obsessing over whether or not he likes you back.

It’s important to remember that dating should be fun – it shouldn’t feel like a never-ending game of cat and mouse. Yes, some chasing is necessary, but there’s a fine line between fun and stressful.

8. You deserve better

At the end of the day, you deserve someone who wants to be with you just as much as you want to be with them. Someone who’s excited about getting to know you and making an effort to win your heart.


I don’t know about you, but I get enough exercise at the gym; I certainly don’t have the energy to chase after a guy who’s clearly not interested!

Trust me, it never ends well. If you’ve ever been the one being chased, you know just how unappealing it is and how little respect you have for someone who can’t take a hint. So why put yourself through that same disappointment and frustration?

When men want something, they usually go after it with full force. If he’s not making any effort to pursue you, then it’s safe to assume that he’s not buying what you’re selling.

So save yourself the headache and heartache; focus on living your best life and being the kind of woman who doesn’t need a man to complete her. When you do meet someone, you’ll know that he’s worth your time because he’ll reciprocate the effort you put in.