Why You Should Never Compare Relationships

Why you should never compare relationships

Why You Should Never Compare Relationships

We’re constantly bombarded with pictures of happy couples on social media, and it’s easy to start feeling a little down about our own relationship. Why does it seem like everyone else is so much happier than we are, or that so and so’s partner is way better than ours? It’s only natural to start wondering if we’re settling or if we could be doing better.

Before you start comparing your relationship to others, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Let’s take a look at some of them.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t compare your relationship to other people’s

1. You don’t know the whole story

You only see what people want you to see on social media, or hear the highlights they’re happy sharing. No one is going to post about their fights or their problems, so you’re only getting one side of the story. For all you know, that couple who seems so perfect could be fighting all the time behind closed doors.

2. Everyone has a different idea of what makes a good relationship

What works for one couple might not work for another. Some people prefer more independence, while others feel smothered if their partner is around all the time. There’s no single formula for a happy and successful relationship, so don’t try to compare yours to someone else’s, because it’s just not going to be an accurate apples-to-apples comparison.

3. It’s not a competition

Your relationship is not a competition to see who can have the most Instagram-worthy dates or live the happiest life. If you’re spending more time comparing your relationship to others instead of enjoying your own, then you’re not really living.

4. Comparisons can make you lose sight of what you have

It’s easy to get caught up in what we don’t have and start feeling like our relationship is lacking in comparison. But instead of looking at all the ways it falls short, try to focus on the things that are going well. Appreciate the love and support your partner gives you, and be grateful for the happy moments you share.

5. Jealousy is never a good feeling

Comparing ourselves to others is a surefire way to breed jealousy and envy. And those negative emotions can poison our relationship, making us resentful and unhappy. If you find yourself getting jealous of other couples, try to remind yourself of all the things you love about your own relationship.

6. You might start taking your partner for granted

It’s easy to start taking our partners for granted when we compare them to other people. We might start thinking they should be more like so and so or do more things for us like that other couple does. But instead of seeing all the ways our partner falls short, try to remember all the reasons you fell in love with them in the first place.

7. It can lead to unrealistic expectations

When we compare our relationship to others, we might start expecting things that are simply not realistic. We might expect our partners to become something they’re not. But the truth is, all relationships have their ups and downs. No one is perfect, and neither is any relationship.


Comparing our relationships to others is something we all do from time to time. But it’s important to remember that every relationship is different, and what works for one couple might not work for you.

Focus on the great things about your own relationship, and be grateful for the love and support you have. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but that doesn’t mean it is.