Why You Should Never Eat Candy

Why You Should Never Eat Candy

Why You Should Never Eat Candy

No one is immune to the lure of candy. It’s sweet, it’s colorful, and it’s irresistible to both young and old alike.

Everyone has a sweet tooth. And what’s not to love about candy? It’s a delicious treat that comes in an endless variety of flavors and shapes, and it’s the perfect pick-me-up when you need a little boost of sugar.

But as tempting as candy may be, there are plenty of good reasons to resist the urge to indulge. In this article, we’ll consider some of them.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t eat candy

1. Candy is loaded with sugar

This should come as no surprise. After all, candy is, by definition, sweet. And while a little sugar now and then isn’t necessarily bad for you, eating too much of it can lead to some serious health problems.

Excessive sugar consumption has been linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. And candy is one of the worst offenders when it comes to sugar content. A single fun-size chocolate bar, for example, can contain as much as 10 grams of sugar.

2. Candy can damage your teeth

The sugar in candy isn’t just bad for your waistline; it’s also tough on your teeth. When you eat candy, the sugar interacts with the bacteria in your mouth to form acids. These acids then attack your teeth, leading to cavities and other problems.

3. Candy can give you a “sugar high”

Have you ever felt hyperactive and full of energy after eating candy? That’s because candy can cause a sudden spike in your blood sugar levels, giving you what’s known as a “sugar high.”

The human body does require some sugar, but the sugar in candy is typically in the form of simple carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed by the body and can cause an unhealthy spike in blood sugar levels.

While a sugar high might seem like a good thing, it’s actually not very good for your body. The sudden influx of sugar can lead to a crash shortly thereafter, leaving you feeling tired and sluggish.

What’s more, the roller coaster of blood sugar levels will be hard on your body over time and may contribute to diabetes and other health problems.

4. Candy is high in calories

In addition to being high in sugar, candy is extremely high in calories. If you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, eating candy is going to sabotage your efforts.

While we all need hundreds of calories a day to survive, the average adult only needs about 2,000 calories a day to maintain their weight. Due to candy’s high calorie content, you’ll be consuming a significant portion of your daily calorie needs if you indulge in even a small amount of candy. And you’ll still be hungry.

5. Candy lacks nutritional value

Candy is often referred to as “empty calories,” meaning it contains a lot of calories but very few nutrients. Unlike healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, candy will not give you the vitamins, minerals, fiber, or protein your body needs to function properly.

If you eat candy instead of healthier foods, you’ll end up missing out on important nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.

6. Candy contains harmful chemicals

We know you’ve read the label on your favorite candy bar and seen all the strange-sounding ingredients. But have you ever stopped to think about what those ingredients are and whether they’re safe?

Many of the chemicals used to make candy are quite harmful. For example, artificial colors have been linked to ADHD and cancer, while preservatives like BHA and BHT have also been linked to cancer as well as hormone disruption.

7. Candy is addictive

Yes, you can get addicted to candy. The sugar in candy causes a release of dopamine in the brain, which is the same chemical that’s released when you do drugs like cocaine. Over time, your brain becomes accustomed to this dopamine release and starts to crave it.

Sugar is like any other drug. In fact, some say it’s more addictive than cocaine, and more dangerous because it can be purchased anywhere, in large quantities, and is often given to children.

If you find yourself eating candy even when you’re not hungry or crave it when you see it, you may be addicted. And like any addiction, giving up candy can be difficult and may require professional help.

Alternatives to candy

If you’re looking for something sweet to eat but don’t want all the drawbacks that come with candy, there are plenty of healthier alternatives.


Fruit is a great alternative to candy because it’s naturally sweet and contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Cherries, blueberries, and grapes are all great options.


Vegetables may not sound as appealing as candy, but some vegetables can be quite sweet. Carrots and sweetcorn are two examples. And like fruit, vegetables also contain important nutrients that your body needs.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is another alternative to regular candy because it contains some sugar but also has health benefits like antioxidants. Just be sure to choose dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and avoid chocolate that’s loaded with sugar and other ingredients.


Nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats, and they can satisfy your sweet tooth. Almonds, cashews, and macadamia nuts are all good choices.