Why You Should Never Fear Death

Why You Should Never Fear Death

Why You Should Never Fear Death

Death. It’s the end of life as we know it. It’s something that everyone, no matter how rich or famous, will have to face one day. It’s the great equalizer. And yet, for something so universal, so inevitable, death is something that many of us fear.


For one thing, it’s the unknown. We don’t really know what happens after we die, so it’s natural to be scared of something that we can’t fully understand.

Death is also final. Once we’re dead, there’s no coming back. Even if you believe in reincarnation, you won’t be returning to the life you left behind, that’s for sure. This finality is terrifying to most people.

And then there’s the fact that death is often associated with pain and suffering. We may not mind dying, but we certainly don’t want to go through the process of dying, which can be slow and agonizing, not just for us but for the people we love.

All of these are valid reasons to be afraid of death. But here’s the thing: you shouldn’t be. Let’s discuss why.

11 reasons why you shouldn’t fear death

1. It’s coming whether you like it or not

There’s no point in fearing death because, like it or not, it’s coming for all of us. You can put off thinking about it and pretending it doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t change the fact that one day, your time will come. So you might as well come to terms with it and learn to accept it.

2. There’s nothing to be afraid of in the afterlife

Whether you believe in heaven or hell, Nirvana or reincarnation, there’s nothing to be afraid of in the afterlife. If there’s an afterlife, it’s going to be a wonderful place where you’ll be reunited with your loved ones who have passed away before you. If there isn’t an afterlife, then you’re simply ceasing to exist, and you won’t be conscious of it.

3. All pain will go away

For the terminally ill, death brings with it the end of pain and suffering. No more fighting against a disease that’s slowly eating away at your body. Some illnesses are so debilitating that death is actually a mercy.

If you are someone with an incurable disease that’s destroying your quality of life, you can find relief in the fact that, as painful as it is, it won’t last forever.

4. All of Earth’s problems will be left behind

Once you’re dead, you won’t have to worry about things like wars, hunger, disease, poverty, global warming, or any of the other problems that plague our world.

You also won’t have to worry about all the things you did or didn’t do that you regretted throughout your life, as death takes away all of these feelings.

5. There’s excitement in the mystery

No one truly knows what happens when we die. And that’s kind of exciting, in a way. It’s the ultimate mystery, and it’s one that we can only know for sure in death. So instead of being afraid of the unknown, embrace it and look forward to finding out what happens when your time is up.

6. It makes life more precious

When you’re facing your own mortality, it really puts things into perspective. You start to see just how precious life is and how important it is to make the most of every moment. You’ll appreciate the good times even more and be more forgiving of the bad times.

Knowing that you and the people you love won’t be around forever should encourage you to cherish every moment you have together.

7. It can be a motivator

If you’re afraid of dying without accomplishing anything, then use that fear as motivation to achieve your goals. Make a list of everything you want to do and start working towards it. This is what people call a “bucket list”.

Remember, life is short, so don’t waste it living in fear. Make the most of every day and cross as many things off your bucket list as you can.

8. It can teach you to live in the moment

When you’re afraid of death, it’s easy to get caught up in worrying about the future. But if you focus too much on what might happen, you’ll miss out on what’s happening right now. Learning to live in the moment is a great way to combat your fear of death.

9. You’re not going to be around to care

This may sound harsh, but it’s true. Once you’re dead, you’re not going to be around to care about what happens to your body or your possessions. You’re not going to be around to see your loved ones mourn your loss. You’re not going to be around, period. And this brings a certain amount of peace.

10. The fear of dying can lead to depression and anxiety

If you allow your fear of death to consume you, it can lead to depression and anxiety. These are serious mental health conditions that can have a negative impact on your quality of life.

11. Who wants to live forever, anyway?

If you think about it, living forever would be pretty boring. You’d eventually get to the point where you’ve done everything there is to do and seen everything there is to see. After a while, life would just become one big monotonous routine.

So instead of fearing death, look at it as a way to escape the boredom of eternity. Death is the ultimate adventure, and it’s one that we all get to take.

How to overcome your fear of death

  • Acknowledge your fear
  • Understand that death is inevitable
  • Talk about your fear with someone you trust
  • Focus on living in the moment
  • Make the most of your time
  • Find a support group
  • Get professional help if your fear is impacting your quality of life


We hope this article has helped to ease your fears about death. Remember, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Death is a natural part of life, and it’s something that we all have to go through. Embrace it and live your life to the fullest.