Why You Should Never Follow Your Passion

Why you should never follow your passion

Why You Should Never Follow Your Passion

It’s the age-old question: what should you do with your life? With so many options and paths, it can be hard to choose just one. And oftentimes, people are told to “follow their passion.”

Following one’s passion usually means choosing a career or job that is in line with their interests and skills. For example, someone who loves art might become an artist, or someone who loves working with children might become a teacher.

There’s no doubt that following your passion can lead to a fulfilling and successful life. But there are also some drawbacks to consider before making the jump. In this article, we’ll explore what some of them are.

9 reasons why you shouldn’t follow your passion

1. It might not be feasible

For some people, following their passion simply isn’t possible. Their dream job might not be open to them due to factors out of their control, such as location, education, or experience.

It could also be that your passion just isn’t something that can be turned into a career. For example, someone who loves to read might not be able to make a living by doing so.

2. You probably won’t make any money

The vast majority of people who follow their passion end up broke. It’s not because they’re not good at what they do, it’s because their passion is usually something that doesn’t make any money.

For example, let’s say your passion is playing video games. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make a living doing that, no matter how good you are. Though some gamers have been able to make a career out of it, they’re the exception, not the rule.

3. You might not be good at it

Just because you have a passion for something, doesn’t mean you’re good at it. In fact, you might be terrible!

This is a particular problem if your passion is something that can’t be learned. For example, let’s say you want to be a professional athlete. But no matter how hard you try, you just don’t have the natural ability or talent for it. You’ll never make it as a professional athlete no matter how passionate you are.

4. You could end up hating your passion

As often happens when people pursue their passions, usually for profit, they quickly come to hate it. What was once a fun hobby or interest can become a source of stress and anxiety.

This is because when you’re trying to make a living out of your passion, it’s no longer just about doing what you love. It could also be about meeting deadlines, dealing with customers, and meeting other people’s expectations. The pressure might be too much for some people to handle.

5. Your passion might change

Another problem with following your passion is that it might not be something you’re passionate about for your whole life. People’s interests and passions change over time. So what you’re passionate about today might not be what you’re passionate about 10 years from now.

This can be a particular problem if you’ve already made significant investments in your passion, such as quitting your job, going back to school, or taking out loans. These investments might not pay off if your passion changes down the road.

6. It’s not always the best use of your time

Just because you’re passionate about something doesn’t mean it’s the best use of your time. For example, let’s say you love to watch television. But if you spend all day watching TV, you’re not going to get very far in life.

There are only so many hours in a day, and you have to be careful about how you use them. It’s very possible that following your passion is unproductive and a waste of time.

7. It’s easy to become depressed

When you’re constantly pursuing your passion, it’s easy to become fixated on it. And if things don’t go the way you want them to, it can be very depressing. Moreso than if you weren’t pursuing your passion at all.

This usually happens because people have unrealistic expectations about what they can achieve. They think that because they’re passionate about something, they’ll be able to achieve anything they set their mind to. But that’s not always the case.

8. You might never achieve your goals

It’s also possible that you might never achieve your goals, no matter how hard you try or how passionate you are. This is because some goals are simply unattainable.

For example, let’s say your goal is to be the best basketball player in the world. But there’s only one spot at the top and millions of people trying to achieve it. The odds are against you, your passion be damned.

9. Life is easier

Okay, this might sound pessimistic, but hear us out.

Sometimes, having a dream is what keeps us going. It’s something to constantly work toward, and we say to ourselves, “if we were finally able to pursue our passion, we’d own it and be the happiest we’ve ever been.”

Only, life rarely works out that way. What actually tends to happen is that, once we make our passion a reality, we realize that either we or it aren’t as great as we thought. And then we’re back to being unhappy, only this time, without the fantasy.

By not following your passion, you never have to deal with the disappointment of finding out that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. You still get to hold on to the “what if” and let your imagination run wild.


It’s a hard pill to swallow, but sometimes, it’s better not to follow your passion. For your sanity, your wallet, and your future, it might be wiser to do something else with your life.

But if you’re adamant about pursuing your passion, make sure you go into it with your eyes wide open. Be prepared for the challenges and the potential disappointment.