Why You Should Never Go Through Your Partner’s Phone

Why you should never go through your partner's phone

Why You Should Never Go Through Your Partner’s Phone

The temptation to go through your partner’s phone is often too hard to resist. After all, if they’re hiding something from you, wouldn’t you want to know what it is?

People snoop through their partner’s phones for all sorts of reasons. Maybe they’re suspicious of infidelity or worried that their partner is keeping secrets from them. Maybe they’re just curious about what sort of conversations their partner is having with other people.

Whatever the reason, going through your partner’s phone is not a smart move, in most cases, and could end up doing more harm than good. Let’s take a look at some of the main reasons why.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t go through your partner’s phone

1. It violates their privacy

Think about it – would you like it if your partner went through your phone without your permission? If not, then you shouldn’t do it to them either.

Respecting each other’s privacy is an important part of any healthy relationship. If you can’t respect your partner’s privacy, the relationship will likely suffer as a result.

2. It creates trust issues

One of the main reasons why people go through their partner’s phone is because they don’t trust them. But if you’re constantly going through their phone, it’s only going to create more trust issues.

Your partner is likely to feel like they can’t trust you if they know that you’re constantly snooping through their things. This could lead to them being less open and honest with you, which is the opposite of what you want.

3. It could damage your relationship if you get caught

Going through your partner’s phone without their permission is a form of betrayal. And if you’re caught, it could damage your relationship beyond repair.

There’s always the possibility that your partner will catch you. If they do, it could lead to a big argument. And even if you manage to avoid an argument, it will still damage the trust in your relationship.

4. You might not like what you find

They say that ignorance is bliss for a reason. If you don’t know what’s going on, you can’t be hurt by it, right? You can continue to live in your little bubble of happiness.

But if you go through your partner’s phone, there’s a good chance you’ll find something you don’t like. This could be anything from innocent messages between friends to something more serious, like evidence of infidelity.

You may even find conversations they’ve had about you. And while it’s always good to know what your partner really thinks about you, it’s not always pleasant.

5. What you find might not be what you think

Even if you find something incriminating, it might not be what you think. For example, if you find a message from an ex, it could just be innocent banter between old friends. But if you jump to conclusions, you could end up blowing up over nothing.

Sometimes, there are things your partner needs to keep from you that they know would upset you. If they’re keeping something from you, it’s likely because they think it’s for the best. However, because you secretly find it, you could get upset over something that isn’t a big deal.

6. You could accidentally delete something important

If you’re not careful, you could accidentally delete something crucial when you’re going through your partner’s phone. This could be anything from a message they need for work to an important photo.

7. If you have to snoop, your relationship is already in trouble

If you’re at the point where you feel like you need to snoop through your partner’s phone, it’s a sign that something is already wrong with your relationship.

Rather than snooping, you should talk to your partner about whatever it is that’s bothering you. If you can’t do that, then maybe the relationship isn’t as healthy as you thought.


People lie, it’s a fact of life. Partners lie about all types of things, large and small. So of course there will be times when you’re tempted to not take their word for something and go through their phone.

While we won’t tell you what to do, we will say this – think long and hard before going through your partner’s phone without their permission. It’s a decision that could have far-reaching consequences for your relationship.