Why You Should Never Go To Bed Angry

Why you should never go to bed angry

Why You Should Never Go To Bed Angry

Life has a way of getting under our skin and causing us to snap. Whether it’s a stressful day at work, an argument with a loved one, or just something that happens out of the blue, we’ve all found ourselves going to bed angry from time to time.

But here’s the thing: going to bed angry is a recipe for disaster. And although it’s often very difficult to get ourselves into a better mood before retiring for the night, going to bed angry is something you should try to avoid at all costs. Let’s see why.

6 reasons why you shouldn’t go to bed angry

1. You might not be able to sleep

If you’re angry, your mind is likely racing and you may have a hard time falling asleep. This is because anger activates the body’s “fight or flight” response, which can make it difficult to calm down and relax enough to fall into a slumber.

2. You’ll sleep restlessly

If you do manage to get any sleep, it’s likely to be of poor quality. Studies have shown that people who go to bed angry are more likely to suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders.

You’ll toss and turn all night long and wake up tired, possibly with a horrible headache.

3. You might have nightmares

There’s a very real chance that your anger will cause you to have nightmares. Nightmares occur when we’re preoccupied with something that’s bothering us and our brain tries to process it during sleep.

Some nightmares can be so vivid and realistic that they cause us to wake up in a panic. The frightful images could stay with you for days or even weeks, making it even harder to let go of your anger.

4. You’ll wake up angry

If you go to sleep angry and have restless sleep, you’ll probably wake up feeling angry, too. This is because sleep deprivation can cause irritability and make it harder to control our emotions.

It’s a vicious cycle- you go to bed angry, have trouble sleeping, and then wake up even angrier. From there, your day will only get worse, making you someone no one wants to be around.

5. It could be bad for your health

Anger is a negative emotion and has been linked with all sorts of health problems, both mental and physical. Some of these include high blood pressure and stroke. By going to bed angry, you’re increasing the risk of these things occurring.

6. You might not wake up at all

Piggybacking off the last point, what if you go to bed furious with someone or the world in general, and you don’t wake up the next day? No one knows when they’re going to die, and anger could be your final emotion if you’re not careful.

This could be the last thing you do or people remember about you. You don’t want that.


In an ideal world, you’ll try to resolve the issue or at least take some time to calm down before going to bed. But we don’t live in an ideal world and sometimes we just have to do the best we can.

If the issue isn’t something that can be fixed promptly, then try to do some other mood-boosting activities to help you relax. You could take a nice bubble bath, listen to music, or watch some comedy.

Just remember, going to bed angry is never a good idea. It’s not worth the risk to your health or your relationships. Try to do whatever you can to calm down and get some rest. You’ll be glad you did in the long run.