Why You Should Never Go Trick Or Treating

Why You Should Never Go Trick Or Treating

Why You Should Never Go Trick Or Treating

Halloween is perhaps the most exciting holiday for children of all ages – a time to dress up as their favorite characters, indulge in candy and sweets, and go door-to-door collecting treats from their neighbors.

There are few times in life when you can get away with knocking on strangers’ doors and demanding that they give you candy, so it’s no surprise that trick-or-treating has become an iconic part of the Halloween experience.

However, as fun as it might sound, trick-or-treating isn’t without its pitfalls. In this article, we’re going to explore some of them.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t go trick-or-treating

1. Too much candy is never a good thing

Sure, it might seem like a dream come true to have unlimited access to candy and sweets, but too much of a good thing can quickly turn into a bad thing. Eating too much candy can lead to upset stomachs, headaches, and even toothaches.

While spending money on your own candy limits the amount you can consume, going trick-or-treating means that you’ll end up with a massive stash of sweets that you’ll be tempted to eat all at once.

2. The costumes cost more than the candy you receive

Halloween costumes, good ones at least, don’t come cheap. If you’re going to go trick-or-treating, you’ll need a costume that’s both creative and comfortable. Unfortunately, those two things don’t always go hand-in-hand.

You’ll either have to spend a lot of money on a good costume or settle for a cheap one that’s uncomfortable and barely recognizable. And let’s be honest – most of the time, you end up spending more money on your costume than you’ll receive in candy!

3. It’s not safe to walk the streets at night

As much as we’d like to think that our neighborhoods are safe, walking the streets at night, especially when it’s dark, can be dangerous.

Cars might not see you crossing the road, and some people might not be as friendly as they appear. Halloween can be a time when some people take advantage of the dark and use it to their advantage. Because behind those masks, you never know who you’re really dealing with.

4. The weather can ruin everything

Halloween comes at the end of October, which means that there’s a good chance that the weather isn’t going to be in your favor. It could be raining, cold, or even snowing, which makes for a miserable trick-or-treating experience.

Imagine trying to walk from house to house in the rain or snow – it’s not exactly the most enjoyable way to spend your Halloween night.

5. It’s kinda rude

Think about it – you’re going door-to-door, asking strangers for candy. While it might be a tradition, it’s not necessarily a polite one.

Sure, some people enjoy giving out candy and seeing all the costumes, but others might not be as thrilled. They might not have candy to give, or they might be busy with other things. The last thing a non-festive grump wants is to have their doorbell ringing all night long.

6. It’s a gamble

When you go trick-or-treating, you never know what you’re going to get. Some houses might give out full-sized candy bars, while others might give out toothbrushes or pennies.

It’s a bit of a gamble; you don’t know what you’ll end up with. You might even get that one person who gives out raisins or healthy snacks, which is a massive disappointment when all you wanted was chocolate!

7. You could be wrongly accused of vandalism

It’s so easy for people with ill intentions to take advantage of the chaos that comes with Halloween. Unfortunately, trick-or-treating has become associated with some level of vandalism. Egging houses, throwing toilet paper in trees, or smashing pumpkins is a pastime for some people during Halloween.

If you’re out and about at night, you could easily be accused of being part of a group of vandals, even if you’re just innocently enjoying the night.

Something like this happened to me when I was a child, so I know first hand how embarrassing and uncomfortable it can be.

8. You’re probably too old for it (if you’re reading this article)

At some point, you have to admit that you’re too old for trick-or-treating. There’s a certain age where it becomes less cute and more weird.

If you’re in your late teens or early twenties, it might be time to hang up the trick-or-treating bag and find other ways to celebrate Halloween. There are plenty of parties, haunted houses, and other events that are more age-appropriate and just as fun.

Final word

Who doesn’t love free candy? I know I certainly do. It kinda tastes better too (or maybe that’s just me).

But the truth is, trick-or-treating isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It might seem like a fun way to spend Halloween, but there are plenty of reasons why you might want to reconsider, which I hope I’ve illustrated in this article.

If you are planning on going, make sure you stay safe, be respectful to your neighbors, and don’t overdo it on the candy.