Why You Should Never Hold Grudges

Why you should never hold grudges

Why You Should Never Hold Grudges

People are annoying! You can’t go through life without someone doing something that gets under your skin. Maybe a friend talks behind your back, or a co-worker takes credit for your idea.

It’s tempting to hold a grudge against the person who wronged you, and for a short while, it probably feels pretty good, too.

But it’s important to resist that urge. Let’s explore why.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t hold grudges

1. Holding a grudge is bad for your health

Studies have shown that holding onto anger and resentment can lead to physical health problems like headaches, stomach problems, and high blood pressure. So letting go of a grudge can actually be good for your health!

2. It takes up too much energy

Think about how much time and energy you spend thinking about the person who wronged you, and how you’ll get revenge. Now imagine how much happier and more productive you could be if you didn’t waste all that energy on negativity.

3. It’s not worth your time

In the grand scheme of things, is this really worth holding onto? Life is too short to waste time on negative feelings like anger and resentment.

The amount of time you spend holding a grudge is time that you could be spending doing something you love, or spending time with people who make you happy.

4. You’re the only one who suffers

One of the key things to remember when you embark on the journey of grudge-holding is that you’re the only one who suffers. The person you’re angry with doesn’t care that you’re still mad, and they’re probably going about their life just fine.

Sure, they might feel a twinge of guilt if they think about what they did, but they’re not losing any sleep over it. Meanwhile, you’re the one who’s still stewing in anger and resentment.

5. Grudges prevent you from finding closure

If you’re still hung up on what somebody did to you in the past, then it’s going to be very difficult for you to find closure and move on with your life.

You need to be able to forgive and forget in order to move on. If you can’t do that, then you’re going to be stuck in the past forever.

6. Grudges make you miss out on good things

When you hold onto a grudge, you’re not only harming yourself mentally—you’re also depriving yourself of good things in life.

That’s because grudges prevent you from moving on and enjoying the present moment. You might even miss out on opportunities because you’re too busy holding onto a grudge.

7. Grudges make you a negative person

Nobody wants to be around a negative person, and that’s exactly what holding a grudge will turn you into.

If you’re always angry and resentful, then people are going to start avoiding you. And who can blame them? Nobody wants to be around someone who’s constantly angry and negative.

8. They’re pointless

Last but not least, grudges are simply pointless. They don’t accomplish anything and they don’t make you feel any better. So why bother holding onto one?


Letting go of a grudge doesn’t mean that you’re condoning what the other person did. It just means that you’re choosing to forgive or forget and move on. Not for their sake, but for your own. Life is too short to waste time on negativity. Let go of your grudge and move on with your life.