Why You Should Never Hold Your Pee

Why you should never hold your pee

Why You Should Never Hold Your Pee

At one point or another, we’ve all had to hold our pee. Maybe you were in a meeting and couldn’t leave, or you were out and about and didn’t want to use the public restrooms. It happens.

And while it may not seem like a big deal to hold it in for a little while, you could be doing a lot of harm to your body if you make a habit of it.

In this article, we’ll take a look at all the negative consequences associated with holding in your urine and why you should always try to empty your bladder when you need to.

5 reasons why you shouldn’t hold your pee

1. It’s hard on your kidneys

When you have to pee, your body is giving you a sign that your kidneys are full and need to be emptied. When you hold it in, however, you’re essentially backed up, which puts extra strain on your kidneys. In extreme cases, this can even lead to kidney damage.

2. It increases your risk of UTIs

UTIs—or urinary tract infections—are fairly common, especially in women. And holding in your pee is one of the leading causes of UTIs. That’s because when urine backs up into the bladder, bacteria have a chance to grow and infect the urinary tract.

And UTIs are painful! The symptoms—including a burning sensation when you urinate, the need to urinate frequently, and cloudy or bloody urine—can make it hard to go about your day-to-day life.

3. It can lead to incontinence

Incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine. And while it’s most common in older adults, anyone can experience it, especially those who frequently hold in their urine.

That’s because holding it weakens the pelvic muscles that control urination, resulting in leakage. And you don’t want to be the person who wets themselves every time they sneeze or laugh!

4. It causes bloating and discomfort

When you have to pee but don’t go, you may start to feel bloated and uncomfortable. That’s because your bladder is full and putting pressure on your other organs. This can also lead to cramping and pain in the abdomen.

You also won’t be able to think properly or focus on anything else until you finally relieve yourself, which can be frustrating and distracting, to say the least.

5. You could end up with kidney stones

Kidney stones are small, hard deposits that form in the kidneys. And while they’re not usually life-threatening, they can be extremely painful.

Believe it or not, holding in your urine can lead to you developing kidney stones. This is especially true of people who already have a history of kidney stones.


As it turns out, there are quite a few risks associated with holding in your pee. From UTIs to kidney damage, it’s simply not worth it to delay when nature calls.

So next time you’re out and about without a restroom in sight, take heed of your body’s signals and find a place to go—ASAP!

If you’re female, you know that it’s not always easy to find a clean and safe place to take care of business. That’s why we recommend getting a female urination device, which allows women to pee standing up. That way, you can avoid unsanitary public restrooms and the risks that come with them.

The female urinal silicone funnel below is one of the best on the market: