Why You Should Never Learn Python

Why You Should Never Learn Python

Why You Should Never Learn Python

With so many programming languages to choose from, it can get pretty darn overwhelming trying to figure out which one’s the right fit for you.

Choosing which language to learn is such a personal thing. It really depends on your individual interests, goals and learning style. Wanna build mobile apps? Try Java. Interested in web development? Javascript and PHP are good bets.

So where does Python fit in?

Well, Python has been gaining popularity for some time now, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s a high-level programming language that prioritizes simplicity, readability and an overall ease of use.

In the data science world, Python is considered the go-to language for many reasons. For starters, it’s compatible with a wide range of operating systems and platforms. It has tons of libraries that can be used for data analysis and visualization, such as pandas and matplotlib.

Python is also incredibly useful for machine learning, which involves training algorithms to learn patterns from data automatically so they can make predictions or decisions based on new information.

And let’s not forget artificial intelligence. Python is the language behind popular AI frameworks and libraries like TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch.

All that being said, having spent some time at the beginning of my (short-lived) programming journey learning Python, I’ve come to realize that it’s not a language for everyone. Let’s explore why below.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t learn Python

1. It might be too easy for you

Yes, you read that right. Python is so user-friendly and beginner-friendly that it can actually make other programming languages seem harder than they are since they don’t hold your hand quite as much.

“But isn’t this a good thing?” I hear you ask.

Well, not necessarily. Learning to program is an exercise in developing problem-solving skills and logical thinking; and while Python makes it easy to get started and see some results quickly, other languages can be more challenging but ultimately more rewarding.

2. It’s too slow

If you’re looking for a language that prioritizes speed above all else (think gaming or real-time applications), then Python might not be the best choice. As a high-level language, its runtime performance isn’t as fast as lower-level languages like C++ or Go.

3. It can be too flexible and forgiving

Python is known for its flexibility and permissiveness, which is great when you’re first learning to write code. It allows for a lot of mistakes that would be caught in other languages (for example, not having to declare variables before using them).

However, this leniency can also create bad habits and sloppy code if you don’t pay attention to it. Other languages like Java or C# force you to be more explicit and precise, which ultimately leads to cleaner code.

4. It might limit your job prospects

While Python is great for certain fields like machine learning and data science, it’s not necessarily a language that every company or industry uses.

If you’re looking to become a software developer, for example, there might be fewer job opportunities available to you if your main specialization is Python. Other languages like Java or C++ are still more commonly used in certain industries.

5. You might miss out on learning key programming concepts

Python’s ease of use can be a double-edged sword. While it makes it easy to get started and write code quickly, it can also mean that you miss out on learning some key programming concepts that are more prominent in other languages.

For example, Python abstracts away a lot of the memory management that happens in lower-level languages. While this might make life easier for the programmer, it means that they might not learn how to optimize their code or manage resources effectively.

6. It’s not great for developing large-scale applications

Python is a versatile language that can be used for all sorts of tasks, but it might not be the best option if you’re looking to build very large applications with lots of components.

Because Python is an interpreted language (meaning it runs code line-by-line instead of compiling it into machine code), its runtime performance can suffer when dealing with really big projects. Other compiled languages like Rust or C# are better suited for these types of tasks.

7. Other languages have more support and community

While Python has definitely gained popularity over the years, other languages like Java or C++ have been around longer and therefore have a more established support network.

This means that if you encounter problems while coding in Python, it might be harder to find help online than it would be for other languages.

What’s more, because there are fewer job opportunities available specifically for Python developers, there may not be as many resources available for those looking to improve their skills.

8. A different language might better suit your goals

At the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal goals and interests. While Python is a great language for certain tasks and fields, there might be other languages out there that are better suited for what you’re looking to achieve.

Final word

“Never learn Python” sounds extreme, I know, but it applies. Maybe not to you, but to the person for whom Python might not be the best fit.

It’s so easy to waste time learning a language that won’t get you where you want to go, which is why it’s essential to take the time to figure out what your goals are and what works best for you.

Python is an excellent choice if you’re interested in data science, machine learning or artificial intelligence. However, if those fields aren’t of interest to you and you’re looking for a programming language that prioritizes speed or scalability over ease of use, Python might not be the right fit.

Remember: there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to programming languages. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and it’s up to you to determine which one is right for you.