Why You Should Never Listen To People’s Opinions

Why you should never listen to people's opinions

Why You Should Never Listen To People’s Opinions

In today’s society, it seems like everyone has an opinion on everything. From what you should eat for breakfast to who you should vote for in the next election, it can be overwhelming trying to keep track of all of the things people think you should or shouldn’t do.

While it’s important to be informed and have discussions with the people around you, it’s also important to remember that not everyone’s opinion is valid. Just because someone has an opinion doesn’t mean it’s worth your time or energy to listen to.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why you shouldn’t put too much stock in other people’s opinions.

9 reasons why you shouldn’t listen to people’s opinions

1. People’s opinions are often wrong/ill-informed

If you took a poll of 100 people and asked them whether the sun revolves around the earth or vice versa, chances are that a majority of them would say that the sun revolves around the earth. And yet, we know that this isn’t true.

So why would you listen to someone’s opinion if there’s a good chance that it might be wrong?

2. People’s opinions are often based on emotion, not facts

In the world of free speech, it seems like everyone has an opinion but very few people can back up those opinions with facts. Opinions are often based on how we feel about something, not on what we actually know about it.

Someone could give you an opinion while they’re having an emotional response to something, and that opinion might not be rational or well thought-out.

3. People’s opinions are often biased

We all have biases. Whether we realize it or not, our personal experiences and beliefs color the way we see the world. So when somebody else shares their opinion with you, it’s important to remember that it might be biased.

For example, if somebody grew up in a wealthy family, they might be biased against less fortunate people. Thus, their opinions on poverty or welfare might not be based on reality.

4. People’s opinions are often influenced by outside sources

Have you ever noticed how easily people can be swayed by outside influences? Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or even something we see on TV or social media, our opinions can be shaped by what other people say and do.

If someone has been listening to a lot of negative news recently, their opinion might be more pessimistic than it would otherwise be, for instance.

5. You don’t know their motives

When somebody shares their opinion with you, it’s important to remember that you don’t always know their motives. They might be trying to help you, or they might be trying to manipulate you.

If someone is constantly sharing their opinions with you, even when you don’t want to hear them, it might be a sign that they’re trying to control you or get you to do something that you don’t want to do.

6. Opinions are constantly changing

People’s opinions are constantly changing, often based on new information or experiences. If you listen to someone’s opinion today and then listen to them again a year from now, chances are that their opinion will be different.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean that you shouldn’t put too much stock into what someone says. Their opinion today might not be their opinion tomorrow.

7. Your own opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s

What makes you think that someone else’s opinion is more valid than your own? Just because someone has a different opinion doesn’t mean that they’re right and you’re wrong.

It’s okay to disagree with other people. In fact, it’s healthy to have disagreements and explore different points of view. Just don’t forget that your opinion, in many cases, could be more valid than the person you’re disagreeing with.

8. You could be listening to the opinion of someone whose life is a mess

We don’t always know the circumstances surrounding someone’s life. For all you know, the person whose opinion you’re listening to could be going through a tough time. Their life might be a mess and their opinion might be equally as messy.

Now, unless they’re acting as a cautionary tale, do you really want to take advice from someone whose life is falling apart? Probably not.

9. You’re never going to please everyone, so why try?

There will always be someone who disagrees with you, no matter what your opinion is. So why bother trying to please everyone? It’s better to focus on being true to yourself than on trying to please other people.


As the age-old saying goes: “opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one!”

Unsolicited opinions are often unwanted, unhelpful, and downright wrong. If you don’t want to listen to someone’s opinion, don’t. Your own opinion is just as valid as the next person’s.

You can certainly learn a lot from other people, and we encourage you to view things from all sides before making any major decisions. But just be aware that not all opinions are created equal. Some are less informed and less helpful than others. When in doubt, trust your gut.