Why You Should Never Live In An RV

Why you should never live in an rv

Why You Should Never Live In An RV

For some people, the thought of living in an RV evokes romantic images of family camping trips, road trips across the country or continent, and a carefree lifestyle.

There’s a freedom that comes with living in an RV that many people find appealing, not to mention the feeling of being a little closer to nature.

However, the reality of living in an RV is far from glamorous. In fact, there are plenty of good reasons why it might be wise to find a better living situation than an RV. In this article, we’ll explore some of the drawbacks.

14 reasons why you shouldn’t live in an RV

1. RVs are cramped and uncomfortable

RVs may be fine for short trips, but they quickly become cramped and uncomfortable when used as a primary residence. Most RVs are designed for sleeping two people comfortably, but four or more people can start to feel like sardines in a can.

RVs also tend to have very limited storage space, so it can be difficult to keep your belongings organized and out of the way.

2. RVs are expensive to maintain

Owning an RV is not cheap. In addition to the initial purchase price, RVs require regular maintenance and repairs, just like any other vehicle.

RVs also require specialized insurance, which can be expensive. And if you plan to travel with your RV, you’ll need to budget for things like gas, campground fees, and other expenses.

3. You’ll never get a good night’s sleep

RVs are notoriously noisy, both from the outside and from within. If you’re trying to sleep in an RV, you can forget about it. The constant noise around you will make it impossible for you to get a good night’s sleep, which means you’ll be exhausted all the time.

4. You’ll never have any privacy

RVs are small and there’s not much privacy to be had. If you want to take a shower or use the restroom, everyone in the RV will know what you’re doing. And if you have guests over, they’ll be sleeping right next to you.

It’s not just the people inside the RV that you need to worry about, either. If you’re parked in a campground or RV park, your neighbors will be close by and they’ll be able to see and hear everything you’re doing.

5. RVs are always breaking down

It seems like every other week something is breaking down on an RV. Whether it’s the plumbing, the electrical system, or something else entirely, living in an RV means constantly having to deal with repairs.

And when something does break down, it can be expensive to fix. RV parts and labor are both expensive, so you’ll likely end up spending a lot of money on repairs.

6. They sometimes get really cold

RVs are not well-insulated, which means they can get very cold in the winter. The walls and windows are thin and don’t do a good job of keeping out the cold.

If you’re going to live in an RV, you’ll need to invest in some heavy-duty blankets and make sure you have a good space heater. Otherwise, you’ll be miserable all winter long.

7. Limited resources

RVs often have very limited access to electricity, which means you’ll need to be careful about how you use your appliances. If you want to run a space heater, for example, you might need to turn off the lights or the fridge.

And many of your favorite appliances, like hair dryers and coffee makers, might be too powerful to run in an RV, as their voltage and wattage might be too high. This can be frustrating and inconvenient. You’ll need to get special low-wattage appliances that work in RVs.

You’ll also need to be mindful of your water usage since most RVs have limited water capacity.

8. You’ll never have a good internet connection

Although many people tend to go “off-grid” when they live in an RV, the reality is that you’ll likely need some form of internet connection. Whether you’re working remotely or just want to stay connected with friends and family, a good internet connection is important.

Unfortunately, RVs don’t have great internet options. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get a weak cellular signal or find a campground with Wi-Fi. But in most cases, you’ll be out of luck.

9. Too much wildlife

If you’re living in an RV, there’s a good chance you’ll be spending a lot of time in nature. And while that can be beautiful and peaceful, it also means you’ll have to deal with pests and wildlife.

You might find yourself dealing with everything from ants and spiders to raccoons and even bears, depending on where you go.

10. It can be dangerous

Aside from the threat of wildlife, there are other dangers to consider when living in an RV. You also have to worry about people breaking into your RV, as they know you likely have valuables inside.

Not only could you be robbed, but you could also be harmed if someone broke into your RV while you were sleeping. And although break-ins happen in houses, too, it’s much easier for someone to break into an RV.

11. Arguments are more common

Since RVs are small and there’s not much privacy, it’s easy for people to get under each other’s skin. And when people are tired and frustrated, those arguments can quickly escalate.

If you’re living in an RV with other people, it’s important to have a plan for how to deal with disagreements. Otherwise, they’ll ruin your trip and make it difficult to enjoy your time together.

12. You’ll never feel at home

Even if you manage to find a permanent spot to park your RV, it will never truly feel like home because it’s not… it’s a vehicle, not a house.

RVs are great for vacations and road trips, but they’re not meant to be lived in permanently. They lack the space, amenities, and comforts that you need to truly feel at home.

13. You can’t entertain your friends and family very well

If you have friends or family who come to visit, they’ll likely be uncomfortable in your RV, because these vehicles aren’t designed for guests.

And since RVs don’t have all the amenities of a house, you won’t be able to entertain your guests the way you want to. You’ll probably end up spending most of your time outside of the RV.

14. You’ll get bored eventually

The novelty of living in an RV will eventually wear off, and you’ll start to feel bored and restless. After a while, all the places will start to look the same and you’ll long for the comforts of home.

While this isn’t an issue for people who only take temporary trips in their RVs, it could be a real problem if you’ve packed up your whole life to live on the road. You’ll have no fixed abode once the boredom sets in, and you’ll need to find a new place to live.


Taking all of these factors into consideration, it’s clear that living in an RV is not for everyone. It can be a great experience if you’re prepared for the challenges, but for most people, it’s not worth the hassle.

If you’re thinking about living in an RV, make sure you do your research and understand what you’re getting yourself into. Try a short-term trip first to see if it’s really for you.

And most importantly, be prepared for anything. Because when you’re living in an RV, anything can happen.