Why You Should Never Make Your Bed Every Day

Why You Should Never Make Your Bed Every Day

Why You Should Never Make Your Bed Every Day

It’s the age-old question: to make the bed or not to make the bed?

It’s drummed into us as children that a made bed makes a tidy room. It seems like a simple task, but it’s one that has divided households for centuries.

Some people swear by a tidy bed every morning, while others see it as a pointless chore. Whichever camp you fall into, you should probably consider some of the reasons why you might want to skip this long-standing tradition.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t make your bed every day

1. It’s a waste of time

Making your bed every day takes precious time out of your morning routine. Let’s be real, doing the job right can take at least five minutes, and who has time for that? Those five minutes could be spent getting in some extra sleep before work.

2. It’s not necessary

We’re not living in a hotel, and no one is coming to inspect our rooms. The only person who’s going to see your bed is you. So why bother making it every single day?

3. It’s better for your health

Believe it or not, not making your bed could actually be better for your health. A study conducted by Kingston University found that leaving your bed unmade can actually help reduce the number of dust mites in your bed.

Dust mites thrive in warm and moist environments, and making your bed traps the moisture and warmth, providing the ideal breeding ground for the little critters.

4. It’s more comfortable

There’s something about a messy bed that just screams comfort. When you leave your bed unmade, it creates a cozy and inviting space that’s just begging for you to crawl back in.

5. You’ll be afraid to mess it up

If you’re someone who spends time making the bed every morning, you’re likely to feel a sense of pride in your work. But as soon as you mess it up, that feeling of accomplishment disappears.

Leaving your bed unmade means you don’t have to worry about messing it up and can enjoy your cozy space without any pressure.

6. It’s a rebellion against societal norms

Making your bed every day has been ingrained in us as a societal norm. It’s what our parents taught us, and it’s what we see in movies and TV shows. But who says we have to follow these norms?

Not making your bed every day could be seen as an act of rebellion.

7. It will just get messy again anyway

When all’s said and done, no matter how hard you try, your bed is going to get messy again. You’re going to crawl back in at night, toss and turn, and the sheets will be all over the place. So why bother making it in the first place?

Wrapping up

We don’t live in the 1800s anymore, so don’t feel compelled to make your bed like some kind of Victorian-era servant. Embrace the comfort and convenience of an unmade bed and enjoy the extra time and relaxation it provides.

And, of course, if anyone gives you grief about not making your bed, just tell them you’re doing it for health reasons. That’ll get ’em off your back.