Why You Should Never Marry An Artist

Why you should never marry an artist

Why You Should Never Marry An Artist

Artists live in a world of their own that most of us don’t inhabit. They see it through rose-colored glasses and their minds are always in a state of creativity.

Popular culture has romanticized the artist’s life, making it seem like a never-ending party of drugs, sex, and creative genius.

But the reality is that if you’re the spouse of one of these people, you’re in for a bumpy ride. Here are just a few reasons why you might want to reconsider marrying someone who makes a living through art.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t marry an artist

1. They’re always broke

They’re not called “starving artists” for nothing!

As with most creative pursuits, being an artist doesn’t usually pay the bills. Sure, there are a few lucky ones who make it big, but most artists struggle to make ends meet.

Art is such a subjective field that it’s hard to put a monetary value on someone’s work. This means that artists often have to take on other jobs to support themselves, which can lead to a lot of financial stress in a relationship.

And if they’re not willing to get a “real” job, you, their long-suffering spouse, will likely be the breadwinner in the relationship, and you’ll have to foot the bill for everything.

2. They’re moody

Artists are notoriously moody people. One minute they’re on top of the world and the next minute they’re plunged into the depths of despair. This rollercoaster ride of emotions can be exhausting for anyone who tries to keep up with them.

You’ll never know what mood your artist partner will be in from one day to the next, and you’ll never know how they’ll react to anything you say or do. It’s a constant guessing game that can take its toll on even the strongest relationships.

3. They’re perfectionists

Artists are never satisfied with their work, which means they’re always strivin’ for perfectionism—a trait that can be frustrating for those around them who have to deal with their constant nitpicking.

This perfectionism isn’t only resigned to their work, either. Artists often have high standards for everything in their lives, from the way they dress to the way their home is decorated. This can make it difficult to please them and can lead to a lot of arguments.

4. They’re always seeking attention

Artists are constantly craving attention and validation from others. They need to feel like their work is appreciated and that they’re being seen and heard.

This need for attention can manifest itself in several ways, from always needing to be the center of attention at social gatherings to being overly critical of those around them. Either way, it’s not an easy trait to deal with on a daily basis.

5. They spend a lot of time alone

Artists often prefer to spend their time alone, lost in their thoughts and working on their latest projects. This can be tough for spouses who crave companionship and attention.

It’s not uncommon for artists to go days or even weeks without speaking to anyone. Not a bad thing if they’re single, but a real problem if you’re trying to maintain a healthy relationship with them.

6. You won’t understand their world

Unless you’re an artist yourself, it’s likely that you’ll never truly understand the creative world that your artist partner inhabits. This includes their work process, the artists they admire, their influences, and the art scene in general.

It’s not uncommon for non-artistic people to look at a painting and think, “My five-year-old could’ve done that,” or to listen to a piece of avant-garde music and think, “This is just noise.”

If you don’t share your partner’s appreciation for art, it can lead to a feeling of disconnection and estrangement in your relationship.

7. They’re often unpredictable

For artists to be successful, they have to be a little bit unpredictable. They have to be willing to take risks and experiment with their work, which can often lead to them making some pretty erratic decisions.

This unpredictability can extend to other areas of their lives as well, such as their relationships. Artists are known for being flaky and unreliable, which can make it difficult to build a solid foundation with them.


We hope we’ve dispelled some of the myths about artists and given you a better understanding of what it’s really like to be in a relationship with one. While they can certainly be a handful, they’re also passionate, creative, and unique individuals who can add a lot of color to your life.

Just remember, if you’re thinking about marrying an artist, be prepared for an unpredictable ride. But hey, that’s half the fun, right?