Why You Should Never Microwave Potatoes

Why You Should Never Microwave Potatoes

Why You Should Never Microwave Potatoes

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. We often find ourselves looking for shortcuts to save time and effort, especially when it comes to cooking. And nothing screams “shortcut” more than microwaving our food.

Microwaving potatoes, in particular, has become a popular practice for many people. It’s quick, easy, and seems like a hassle-free way to cook the starchy vegetable.

In fact, many popular potato recipes can be made in the microwave, from baked potatoes to potato gratins, thereby allowing you to bypass your oven.

However, that convenience of microwaved potatoes comes at a price. Let’s take a look at some of the drawbacks below.

6 reasons why you shouldn’t microwave potatoes

1. Uneven cooking

One of the biggest issues with microwaving potatoes is that they don’t cook evenly. The microwave heats food from the inside out, which can cause the potato to cook unevenly. This means that some parts of the potato may be overcooked or undercooked, leading to an unpleasant end product that might not be edible.

2. Loss of nutrients

When potatoes are microwaved, they tend to lose some of their vitamins and minerals, which are essential for good health. This is because microwaving breaks down the cell walls of the potato, causing nutrients to leak out.

3. Risk of explosion

Believe it or not, potatoes can and will explode on you, if you’re not mindful in piercing them.

Potatoes have a high water content, and when heated in a microwave, the steam that builds up inside the potato can cause it to explode. So not only is this messy but it could actually damage your microwave.

4. Texture and flavor

Microwaved potatoes tend to have a different texture and flavor than those cooked in the oven or on the stove. It’s common knowledge that microwaved potatoes have a rubbery or even grainy texture, which obviously no one wants.

Then there’s the flavor itself. Sadly, microwaving anything, especially potatoes, often leads to a loss in natural flavor, potentially turning your meal from delicious to bland.

5. Limited cooking options

There’s only so much you can do with your microwave when it comes to potatoes. Sure, you can make baked or mashed potatoes, but other popular potato dishes, such as french fries, potato chips, or roasted potatoes, simply cannot be made in the microwave.

6. Health risks and danger

Depending on how you microwave your potatoes, there are potential health risks as well. For example, microwaving potatoes in plastic containers or wraps can release harmful chemicals into your food.

What’s more, if you leave the potato in the microwave for too long or use a high power setting, it can create a fire hazard.

Wrapping up

I’m of the opinion that very few things, if any, taste better in a microwave than they would if cooked using virtually any other method. This is especially true for potatoes, which require a certain amount of care and attention to achieve the perfect texture and flavor.

But this is just my opinion, and the truth is, there are many people who swear by microwaving potatoes as a quick, easy, and cheap alternative to traditional cooking methods.

Cooking your potatoes in the ol’ microwave every now and then isn’t going to do much harm, but if you want to achieve optimal flavor, texture, and nutrition, the oven or stove is likely going to be your best bet.