Why You Should Never Raise Your Voice

Why You Should Never Raise Your Voice

Why You Should Never Raise Your Voice

It’s easy to understand why people raise their voices. In the heat of the moment, we might feel like we’re not being heard or that our point isn’t getting across. Sometimes, we might not even be aware that we’re doing it.

But raising your voice is rarely effective in communicating your message, and can often do more harm than good. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t raise your voice

1. You’ll lose your cool

When you raise your voice, you’re more likely to say things you don’t mean and may regret later. Losing your temper can make it harder to resolve the situation peacefully and may even escalate the conflict.

2. It’s disrespectful

Yelling at someone is a form of verbal abuse and can be very hurtful. It’s also a sign of disrespect and can damage the relationship between you and the other person.

3. It’s ineffective

Contrary to popular belief, in most cases, raising your voice is not an effective way to get your point across. In fact, it often has the opposite effect. People are more likely to tune out or become defensive when they’re being shouted at, and they’re less likely to listen to what you have to say.

4. You might scare people

A raised voice, especially if it’s accompanied by angry facial expressions, can be scary for people. It can make them feel threatened and cause them to react in a way that is not helpful to the situation.

This is especially true when raising your voice to or around children. Children are sensitive souls, and shouting, even if not directed at them, can frighten them and cause lasting emotional damage.

Think about children hearing their parents shouting at each other. It’s a very scary and confusing experience for them.

5. You’ll lose credibility

When you raise your voice, people are less likely to take you seriously. You come across as being out of control and volatile, someone who can fly off the handle at any moment. This can make it harder for people to trust you and want you around. It could even damage your reputation.

6. It’s unhealthy

Constantly shouting and raising your voice can put a lot of strain on your vocal cords and lead to long-term damage. Your vocal cords aren’t designed to withstand that kind of abuse, and over time, it can lead to hoarseness, loss of voice, and even nodules or polyps.

7. You’ll embarrass yourself

Sure, it might feel good to let off some steam with a good yell, but chances are you’ll end up feeling embarrassed and foolish afterward. If you’re in a public place, raising your voice could draw unwanted attention to you and your situation.

There’s also the added risk of someone, a neighbor, perhaps, overhearing you say something you don’t want them to know.

8. It’s just not necessary

In most cases, raising your voice is simply unnecessary. There are much better and more effective ways to communicate your message.


Situations will arise when tempers run high and it might seem like the only way to be heard is to raise your voice. But more often than not, raising your voice will do more harm than good. It’s important to keep calm and try to find a better way to get your message across.