Why You Should Never Study In Bed

Why You Should Never Study In Bed

Why You Should Never Study In Bed

As much as we all love the comfort of our beds, we shouldn’t mistake them for study desks. I know, I know – there’s nothing like staying snuggled up in your duvet and flipping through textbooks.

It’s tempting, it’s cozy, and it seems like a perfect way to turn your bedroom into a multi-purpose space.

But are we really doing ourselves any favors by studying in bed? Probably not. Let’s dive into why that is.

6 reasons why you shouldn’t study in bed

1. It can mess with your sleep habits

Your brain associates certain places and activities with specific functions, and if you start using your bed as a place to work, it can confuse your mind. Before long, your sleep will suffer because your mind will have trouble winding down.

2. It can affect your posture

When we’re lying down, our bodies naturally relax, but this isn’t conducive to good study habits. Sitting at a desk or table helps us maintain better posture and keeps us alert while we’re studying.

Plus, if you’re hunched up in bed with your books and papers, it can cause strain on your neck and back, leading to discomfort and musculoskeletal problems over time.

3. You’ll be more likely to fall asleep

Let’s be honest, being in bed is associated with one thing – sleeping. It’s tough to fight the urge to doze off when you have your cozy sheets and pillows surrounding you.

If you’re already feeling a little drowsy, the temptation to close your eyes and take a nap will be almost too much to resist – and before you know it, an hour or two has gone by without any productive studying happening.

4. Your productivity will suffer

If you’re too relaxed, your brain won’t be primed for active studying. You may find yourself drifting off or losing focus on what you’re supposed to be reading.

Plus, it’s easy to get sidetracked by the allure of social media or other distractions when studying in bed – something that we all know hampers productivity massively.

5. It’s not fair to your significant other

Now for those who share their bed with someone else, studying in bed can definitely put a damper on your relationship.

Imagine that your partner returns home from a long, grueling day at work and just wants to sleep, but you’re there with your highlighter and textbooks, or worse, a laptop fully illuminating the room while you tap away noisily at your keyboard.

Not exactly conducive to harmonious coexistence, is it?

6. It can create a negative association with your bed

Creating a consistent routine is essential for quality sleep. When you’re doing other things in bed, it can be tough to switch back into relaxation mode.

If you’re constantly working or studying while in bed, your brain will start to associate the mattress with work instead of rest. You’d essentially be turning bedtime into yet another source of stress and not respite.

The bottom line

All humans, great and small, should live by the following doctrine: beds are for sleeping, relaxation and romance, not work or study.

We already have enough stress in our lives – let’s allow ourselves to have a safe haven for rest. There are plenty of other spaces that are not only better suited to studying, but that can also help boost our productivity and success in learning.

Whether it’s at a desk or on the couch, finding a designated space for studying can help create structure and boundaries that allow us to be more efficient, effective learners.