Why You Should Never Swim In The Ocean

Why you should never swim in the ocean

Why You Should Never Swim In The Ocean

The ocean is a beautiful place, and it can be tempting to swim in its warm waters. For some, its vast and mysterious nature can be intimidating.

Well, that feeling of intimidation is warranted.

There are many reasons why you should never swim in the ocean, from strong currents to dangerous sea creatures. This article will discuss many of the dangers associated with this pastime, so you can better decide if swimming in the ocean is really worth the risk.

It’s easy to drown

When you’re in the ocean, there’s a greater chance of being pulled under water and not coming back up. It can be difficult to stay afloat while also fighting the current that’s pulling at you.

The ocean has a mind of its own, and the tide can change in a heartbeat, which could leave you fighting to stay above water.

What’s more, it will be harder for lifeguards to get to you in time if you’re drowning in such a vast body of water.

The water isn’t clean

Unlike in swimming pools, where chlorine is added to keep the water sterile, the ocean is full of bacteria, parasites and other pathogens that can make you very sick.

For instance, you can get a urinary tract infection (UTI) from seawater, if you happen to urinate while in the ocean.

The waves can sweep you away

Don’t be fooled by the stillness of the sea, because it might be the calm before the storm. It never takes long for that stillness to turn deadly, bringing monstrous waves crashing down on you and sweeping you away without a trace.

How high can waves get in the ocean?

It’s not uncommon to see waves hit 10 feet on normal days. And during a storm, waves can reach 20 to 30 feet high! You wouldn’t stand a chance against those guys.

Although you can see when the tide starts to change, you might already be too far out to get back in time to escape the wrath of the ocean.

Sea life can be deadly

Sometimes we forget that dangerous creatures live in the ocean, and they can be just as deadly as any land animal. Many of them will hunt humans for food if they get close enough to see a human’s flesh underwater, or if they smell blood.

The ocean is full of all types of lethal animals – some looking for their next meal, others willing to kill in order to defend themselves from you.

Attacks usually happen quickly, without warning. You can never be sure when you’ll come across any of them while you’re in the deep, blue sea.

Some of the ocean’s predators include:


You might think you’re off the hook in certain bodies of water, but thanks to global warming, dangerous sharks are now on the move.

In this article from The Sun newspaper, it claims there have been over 100 sightings of Great White sharks in UK waters recently, something that almost never happened in the past.


These critters can be found in every ocean on the planet, so you’re not safe anywhere. A jellyfish sting, particularly from a box jellyfish, can be fatal.

Sea snakes

These are usually found in warmer climates, mainly the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Their bites are venomous.

You could get hit by a boat

If you’re in the ocean, it’s not just about what could be lurking under the water. There are many dangers on top of that and one is getting hit by a boat.

Captains can’t see swimmers, so there’s no way to detect someone at the surface since they only look straight ahead for other possible obstacles, like rocks.

You could get severe sunburn

Can you get sunburned in the sea?

You certainly can. In fact, the sunburn you get while in the sea on a hot day will be far worse because the sun reflects off the water, making the rays stronger.

Also, due to the cooling effects of being in the sea, you won’t be able to judge when your body is burning. Only once you step out of the water will the pain set in.

Does sunscreen work while in water?

A sunscreen’s effects will drop considerably once you’re in the water, whether it claims to be water-resistant or not. So you’re likely to burn up even faster when in the ocean.


The ocean can indeed be enticing, but it’s one of the worst places to swim. There are just too many dangers that exist in there for you enjoy it uninhibited.

If, however, you do opt to swim in the ocean, be sure to listen to the weather reports before setting out, keep your eyes peeled for warning placards of shark sightings, and stay as close to shore as possible.