Why You Should Never Text While Walking

Why You Should Never Text While Walking

Why You Should Never Text While Walking

We humans spend so much time with our heads buried in our phones that we often forget to look up and appreciate the world around us. Heck, we’re so addicted to using our phones that we even text while walking down the street! Talk about multi-tasking, right?

But as convenient as it might seem to stay connected while on the move, texting while walking can be dangerous, even deadly. Let’s take a deeper look at the very real consequences of this common practice.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t text while walking

1. You’re more likely to have an accident

The street is a place full of potential dangers. From uncovered manholes to street lights, there’s always something to walk into on the street.

When you’re walking and texting, this danger is exacerbated tenfold, as you’re not paying attention to your surroundings. You’re more likely to trip over something, bump into someone, or even walk into traffic.

In fact, a study found that pedestrians who texted while crossing the street were four times more likely to ignore traffic lights and other safety signals.

2. It’s bad for your neck and back

Looking down at your phone for extended periods of time can cause strain on your neck and back muscles. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and even long-term damage.

3. You’re missing out on real-life experiences

When you’re glued to your phone, you’re not fully present in the world around you. You’re missing out on the beautiful scenery, the sounds of nature, and the chance to connect with other people.

Imagine that your soul mate is approaching you. Well, with your head buried in your phone, sending a text that could have waited, you’ll miss the eye contact that could change your life forever.

4. It’s rude

When you’re texting while walking, you’re also not paying attention to the people around you. This can come across as rude and disrespectful, especially if you’re walking with friends or family.

5. You’re more likely to get lost

Ever been so engrossed in your phone that you missed your stop on the bus or train? The same can happen when you’re walking.

Say you’re in a new country or city, you might miss a turn, a landmark, or a street sign and end up getting lost.

6. You could step in something unpleasant

One of the worst consequences of texting while walking is that you might step in something yucky. When your eyes are glued to your phone, you’re going to miss that mountain of dog poop, that puddle of filthy water, or the pile of god-only-knows-what that drunk person vomited up the night before!

Then you’ll be left cleaning gunk off your shoes and trying not to do some vomiting of your own.

7. It makes you an easy target for criminals

Criminals absolutely love people who are distracted by their phones.

If you’re walking around texting, you’re obviously distracted and not aware of what’s going on around you. This makes you an easy target for pickpockets, muggers, and other criminals who are looking for an opportunity to strike.

That phone you’re so glued to is also a valuable target for thieves. By texting while walking, you’re advertising to the world that you have an expensive device in your hand. Don’t be surprised when someone snatches it from you.

8. It’s not necessary

No text is so important that it can’t wait until you’re in a safe place to stop and reply.

When you’re walking, your priority should be to stay aware of your surroundings and ensure that you get from point A to point B safely.

Texting while walking is not worth risking your safety or the safety of those around you. So, either stop walking for the thirty seconds it takes to send the text or wait until you reach your destination.

Wrapping up

Sadly, nowadays, people are so attached to their phones that they forget about the world around them. Texting while walking might seem like a harmless activity, but as I hope I’ve demonstrated, it’s anything but.

From accidents and injuries to missed experiences and even becoming a victim of crime, texting while walking is just not worth it.

So let’s all make an effort to stay present in the moment and put our phones down when we’re out on foot. You’ll be surprised at how much more you notice about your surroundings when you’re not glued to a screen!