Why You Should Never Wash Your Face In The Shower

Why You Should Never Wash Your Face In The Shower

Why You Should Never Wash Your Face In The Shower

Listen up, folks. We all know that washing your face is an essential part of any good skincare routine. And seeing as you shower every day (I hope), it would seem like a no-brainer to wash your face while you’re in there, and get everything done all at once.

But hold on just a minute, because I’ve got some news for you: washing your face in the shower is a big no-no.

I know, I know. It seems counterintuitive, but believe it or not, there are actually some compelling reasons why you might want to consider washing your face once you’ve stepped out of the shower instead.

5 reasons why you shouldn’t wash your face in the shower

1. The water temperature is too hot

When you’re showering, chances are the water temperature is much hotter than what’s considered safe for washing your face.

The face is far more sensitive than the rest of your body, and hot water can actually strip away natural oils that are essential for keeping your skin healthy. Not to mention, it can also cause redness, irritation, and burning.

Sure, you can always lower the temperature, but then you run the risk of making the rest of your body cold. Also, who wants to keep fiddling around with the temperature gauge while they’re showering?

2. The water pressure can be too harsh

Ever stood directly under the shower head and felt like you were getting pelted with tiny little bullets? Yeah, that’s not great for your face.

The high water pressure from your shower head can damage the delicate skin on your face, leading to inflammation.

3. You’re not getting a thorough cleanse

Showers are often seen as the most convenient way to cleanse our body, and many people will just quickly wash their face in the shower as an afterthought. This usually means that the face isn’t being given the proper attention it deserves, and isn’t getting a thorough cleanse.

4. Water gets everywhere

When you’re washing your face in the shower, water can easily get into your eyes, ears, and nose. This can be uncomfortable, and in some cases even lead to infections.

5. It’s difficult to see afterwards

To piggyback off the previous point, if you’re someone who washes their face in the shower prior to washing the rest of their body, you might have trouble seeing clearly afterwards.

Think about it: you’ve still got the rest of your body to clean, and having a wet, soapy face can make it difficult to see what you’re doing.

So, what’s the solution?

The solution is simple: wash your face separately, either before or after you shower.

Use lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser to avoid stripping away natural oils or irritating your skin, and take the time to really massage the product into your skin for a thorough cleanse.

Once you’ve finished washing your face, pat it dry with a clean towel (don’t rub!), and follow up with any toners, serums, moisturizers or sunscreen that are part of your routine.