Why You Should Never Wax Yourself

Why you should never wax yourself

Why You Should Never Wax Yourself

There’s nothing like the feeling of smooth, silky skin after a good wax.

Waxing is one of the best methods for removing unwanted hair. You can achieve smooth results that last for weeks, and it’s quicker than other hair removal methods like shaving or plucking.

And while self-waxing kits are abundant and affordable for most budgets, waxing is definitely not a DIY project. Let’s look at some of the reasons why you might want to consider going to a professional waxer instead of taking matters into your own hands.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t wax yourself

1. Self-waxing is more painful

Waxing is already not the most pleasant experience, but if you’re not used to it, self-waxing can be downright torture. Unlike professional waxers who have years of experience and know exactly how to minimize pain, if you’re doing it yourself, things are going to be a lot more painful.

2. It’s easy to burn yourself

If you’re opting to use hot wax as opposed to wax strips, then you need to be extremely careful not to burn yourself.

Professional waxers have a lot of experience heating the wax to the perfect temperature, so there’s no risk of burning themselves or their clients. But if you’re doing it at home, it’s easy to get the wax too hot and end up with a nasty burn.

3. There’s a greater risk of infection

Depending on where you’re waxing, there’s always a risk of infection if the area is not properly cleaned before and after waxing.

If you’re doing a Brazilian wax, for example, there’s a very real risk of introducing bacteria into the private parts if you don’t know what you’re doing. And even if you’re careful, there’s still a greater risk of infection when you’re waxing yourself as opposed to going to a professional.

4. You could rip off your skin

There’s a method to how hair is ripped out when it comes to waxing, and unless you know what you’re doing, it’s easy to rip off a layer of skin along with the hair.

Not only is this incredibly painful, but you’ll be left with nasty little wounds that are susceptible to infection. It also won’t look very pretty… just saying.

5. It takes longer

If you’ve ever had a professional Brazilian wax, then you know that the entire process usually takes no more than 40 minutes. But if you’re doing it yourself, it’s going to take a lot longer, usually because you’ll have a harder time reaching all the nooks and crannies that need to be waxed.

6. You might leave patches of hair

Unless you’re an experienced waxer, it’s easy to miss patches of hair here and there. This means you’ll likely have to go over the same area multiple times, which can be painful and frustrating.

And even if you think you’ve got all the hair, you’ve more than likely missed some spots that you simply couldn’t reach. It’s very difficult (impossible?) to do a spotless wax on yourself.

7. It’s messier

Dealing with all that wax is bound to get messy, no matter how careful you are.

There’s a reason professional waxers have all those fancy wax warmers and applicators – it helps to keep the process as clean and mess-free as possible. But when you’re doing it yourself, expect to make quite a bit of a mess, both on yourself and your furnishings.


We know how tempting it is to want to save a few bucks by waxing at home, but is this really the thing you want to cheap out on?

Waxing is not an easy task, and unless you’re confident in your abilities, we highly recommend going to a professional. Not only will they do a better job, but you’ll also avoid any potential disasters that could occur if things go wrong.