Why You Should Never Wear Shorts On A Plane

Why you should never wear shorts on a plane

Why You Should Never Wear Shorts On A Plane

So you’re about to board a plane. You’ve got your ticket and your passport, and you’re all set to go. But then you realize… you’re wearing shorts.

In the summer heat, it’s easy to understand why this might happen. Many people traveling from hot countries, usually after a vacation, will be wearing shorts, and they may not even think twice about the temperature at their destination.

Or, as is often the case, they wear shorts with their destination in mind, thinking ahead to the tropical climate they’ll be landing in.

But here’s the thing: shorts are a bad idea when it comes to flying. Read on to find out why you should opt for pants/trousers instead.

5 reasons why you shouldn’t wear shorts on a plane

1. They’re uncomfortable

The first and most obvious reason why you shouldn’t wear shorts on a plane is that they’re just plain uncomfortable.

Sitting in a cramped space for hours on end is not fun, and it’s made even less fun when you’re wearing shorts. The fabric can ride up and become uncomfortable, and there’s not much you can do to adjust them without drawing attention to yourself.

Also, after hours of sitting in the same position, the backs of your thighs may start to stick to the seat if you’re wearing shorts, which can be pretty uncomfortable.

2. Planes get extremely cold

Another major reason why shorts are a bad idea on planes is that planes can get extremely cold.

Most people are aware that the cabin air pressure and temperature are different from what they’re used to on the ground, but many don’t realize just how cold it can get.

When the plane reaches a high altitude, the air temperature can drop significantly, to the point where you may even need a blanket. This is especially true of the leg and feet area.

Wearing shorts in this situation will leave you feeling cold and uncomfortable, and you may even end up with a cold as a result.

3. They’re unprofessional

If you’re traveling in First or Business Class, wearing shorts could make you look out of place and unprofessional.

Many people still consider shorts to be casual wear, and they would expect to see passengers in these classes dressed more formally. Wearing shorts could make you look like you don’t belong.

4. They expose more skin to bad things

This may seem like a minor point, but it’s worth considering. When you wear shorts on a plane, you’re exposing more skin to the germs that are all around you.

Sitting in a confined space with 100+ other people, many of whom may be sick, increases your risk of catching something yourself. Wearing shorts gives the germs more surface area to latch onto, and makes it easier for them to spread.

Another thing to consider is that if you’re traveling to a country that has mosquitoes or other insects, it will be easy for them to bite you when you land.

5. The temperature at your destination may not be what you expect

Finally, it’s important to remember that the temperature at your destination may not be what you’re expecting.

Just because you’re traveling to a place with a hot climate, doesn’t mean that the temperature will be hot when you land.

Many times, your flight will arrive in the early morning or late evening hours, when the temperature has dropped significantly. If you’re wearing shorts, you may find yourself feeling very cold.

What should you wear on a plane?

So if shorts are a bad idea, what should you wear on a plane instead? The best option is to opt for pants or trousers, which will keep you warm and comfortable throughout the flight. These work great for both men and women.