Why You Should Never Wear Socks To Bed

Why You Should Never Wear Socks To Bed

Why You Should Never Wear Socks To Bed

There’s nothing more uncomfortable than trying to fall asleep with cold feet. It’s as if your toes are tiny icicles that refuse to thaw out.

So, what do you do? You slip on a pair of cozy socks to keep your feet warm and toasty, of course. Or, better yet, you climb into bed with the socks you’ve been wearing all day.

You’re not alone. Many people wear their socks to bed, the same way they’d wear their underwear. For some, it’s a habit they’ve had since childhood, and for others, it’s a way to keep their feet warm in the winter months.

But is this really a harmless habit? Are there any downsides? Let’s explore below.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t wear socks to bed

1. It disrupts your body’s natural temperature regulation

Our bodies naturally regulate our temperature while we sleep. When we fall asleep, our core body temperature drops, and our hands and feet become cooler. This helps us fall into a deep sleep. By wearing socks to bed, we’re actually interfering with this process. Our feet can’t cool down, and our body temperature remains the same, making it harder for us to fall asleep.

2. It can lead to fungal infections

Wearing socks all day, especially if your feet sweat excessively, can create a warm and moist environment for bacteria and fungi to thrive. When you wear socks to bed, you’re essentially trapping all that moisture and bacteria against your skin, increasing your risk of developing a fungal infection like athlete’s foot.

3. It can worsen hot flashes

If you’re a woman experiencing menopause or perimenopause, wearing socks to bed might not be the best idea. Hot flashes are a common symptom of menopause, and wearing socks can make them worse.

Your feet are one of the areas of your body that are most sensitive to changes in temperature, and by trapping heat in your feet, you’re making it harder for your body to regulate its temperature.

4. It can lead to poor circulation

When you wear socks to bed, you’re essentially compressing your feet, which can lead to poor circulation. This can cause your feet to feel numb or tingly, and in severe cases, it can even lead to blood clots.

5. It might make your feet smell

If you’re prone to sweating, wearing socks to bed can make your feet smell worse. The sweat and bacteria that build up in your socks all day don’t just disappear once you climb into bed. Instead, they continue to accumulate, leading to smelly feet and socks.

6. Socks can make you feel claustrophobic

Some people might feel suffocated by the sensation of wearing socks to bed. The feeling of something covering your feet could make you feel trapped, and this can create a sense of anxiety that could impact your quality of sleep.

7. It can impact your relationship

Not everyone is into the whole socks-in-bed thing. If you’re sharing a bed with a partner and they find it unappealing or uncomfortable, it could lead to tension in your relationship.

Plus, if your socks are particularly smelly, it’s going to be a total turn-off for the person unlucky enough to be sleeping beside you.

8. Socks don’t make your feet that much warmer

If you’re wearing socks in bed to keep your feet warm, well, I’m sorry to tell ya, but it’s not doing much good. Socks aren’t designed to keep your feet warm for an extended period. They might provide a temporary feeling of warmth, but they won’t keep your feet warm all night long.

Most socks, unless specifically designed for cold weather, are made from thin and breathable materials, which means they won’t do much to insulate your feet.

thermal, winter-ready socks will keep your feet warm during cold nights

Final word

Look, if you’re someone who loves wearing socks to bed, I’m not here to judge you. If it helps you sleep better, go for it. But if you’re someone who’s been on the fence about this habit or has never really given it much thought, hopefully, this article has given you some things to consider.