Why You Should Never Wear Sunscreen

Why you should never wear sunscreen

Why You Should Never Wear Sunscreen

Ah, sunscreen. That trusty lotion that we slather on ourselves before heading out into the sun.

For many people, sunscreen is a non-negotiable part of their daily skincare routine. And for good reason – sunscreen helps to protect our skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun, which can cause everything from sunburns to skin cancer.

But despite its well-known benefits, there are actually a lot of good reasons why you should avoid wearing sunscreen where possible. Let’s take a look at some of them.

6 reasons why you shouldn’t wear sunscreen

1. Sunscreen is loaded with toxic chemicals

We all know that we should be careful about the products we put on our skin, but did you know that most sunscreens contain toxic chemicals that can be absorbed into the bloodstream?

Ingredients like oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, and more have all been linked to hormone disruption, endocrine disruption, and even cancer.

2. Sunscreen doesn’t always protect against UVA rays

Most people think that sunscreen protects them from both UVB and UVA rays, but that’s not always the case.

Many sunscreens only offer protection against UVB rays, which are the ones that cause sunburns. But UVA rays are just as harmful – they penetrate deep into the skin and can cause long-term damage like premature aging and skin cancer.

3. You won’t tan very well with sunscreen on

This one might not be a big deal to some people, but if you’re trying to get a nice, even tan, you’re going to have a harder time with sunscreen on.

That’s because sunscreen creates a barrier between your skin and the sun’s rays, which means that less pigment can reach the surface of your skin. You’ll still tan, but it will be harder to build up that nice, even color.

4. Sunscreen can be expensive

The better the protection, the higher the price tag. And with sunscreen, you really do get what you pay for. Cheap sunscreen usually means a low SPF, which means less protection from the sun.

The ingredients in sunscreen don’t come cheap, so if you’re looking for a good quality sunscreen, be prepared to spend a bit more money.

5. Sunscreen is bad for the environment

Not only can sunscreen be bad for your health, but it’s also bad for the environment.

Many of the chemicals in sunscreen (like oxybenzone and octinoxate) are known to be coral reef-destructive. When these chemicals wash off in the sea, which they always do, they can cause serious, irreparable harm to marine life.

This is a huge problem in places like Hawaii, where the government has recently banned the sale and distribution of sunscreens containing these chemicals.

6. It might be unnecessary

While it’s said that sunscreen is for everyone and that all people should protect themselves from the sun’s rays, that may not always be the case.

If you have a darker complexion, you may already have enough melanin in your skin to provide adequate protection against the sun’s rays. In fact, some studies have shown that sunscreen can actually do more harm than good for people with darker skin.


In general, you should wear sunscreen when you’re going to be out in the sun for long periods, especially if you’re going to be exposed to direct sunlight.

However, there are some good reasons to avoid wearing sunscreen when it’s not necessary, especially if you’re concerned about the toxic chemicals it contains or the harm it can do to the environment.

Do your research and make an informed decision about whether or not sunscreen is right for you. And for full protection that covers both UVB and UVA rays, be sure to choose a sunscreen that is marked “broad spectrum.”