Why You Should Never Adopt From A Shelter

Why you should never adopt from a shelter

Why You Should Never Adopt From A Shelter

Hey there, animal lovers! Have you been thinking about adopting a furry friend but just can’t seem to make up your mind? Well, we’re here to help you out.

Adopting an animal from a shelter, whether it be a dog, cat, rabbit, or any other kind of pet, is a major decision. But, you need to know that it’s not always the best one.

Yes, there are countless benefits of adopting a pet from a shelter, such as potentially saving money and giving an animal in need a forever home. However, there are also some potential drawbacks that you should consider before making your decision. Let’s explore some of them below.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t adopt animals from a shelter

1. You don’t know anything about their history

When you adopt an animal from a shelter, you have no idea what kind of life it had before it got there. There’s a high possibility that animals that end up in shelters were abused or neglected.

The lack of information about the animal’s history makes it difficult to know if it will be compatible with you, your home, and your lifestyle. It will also be difficult to know what sorts of things might trigger it, or how to help it adjust to a new environment.

2. It might have behavioral issues

Animals that have been in shelters for a long time, or those that have been abused, often suffer from behavioral issues. These can range from aggression to fear and anxiety.

These behavioral issues can be hard to predict, difficult to manage, and require a lot of patience and dedication. More than likely, you’ll need to seek professional help to be able to effectively deal with them.

3. It might take longer for them to bond with you

Animals adopted from shelters often have difficulty bonding with their new owners. This could be due to their past experiences or the fact that they’re not used to being around humans.

In some cases, animals may even refuse to form a bond with you and this can make it difficult for you to provide the kind of care and love they need.

4. They might be dangerous

As we mentioned previously, behavioral issues in animals adopted from shelters can include aggression. Though there’s a lot of information available about each pet breed, when it comes to ex-sheltered animals, they’ll be far too unpredictable to know for sure.

Aggressive animals can pose a danger to people and other pets, so it’s important to consider this when determining whether or not you should adopt from a shelter. This is especially true if you have young children around.

5. They might have considerable health problems

Many animals in shelters suffer from health issues due to malnutrition, lack of exercise, and other factors. Even if the shelter staff has done their best to help them, there’s still a chance that they might have some significant health concerns.

These can include anything from heart and lung diseases to parasites and other infections. As a result, your new pet will have needs that you may not be able to provide.

6. It could end up being very expensive

Adopting an animal from a shelter can be pretty expensive. When you factor in the cost of vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and other medical procedures pertaining to their history, you could easily end up spending more than you would if you just bought an animal from a breeder or pet store outright.

7. Choosing will be impossible

When you walk into a shelter, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of animals in need. Though you may have your heart set on adopting one particular pet, the reality is that your heart will ache for all of them.

It’s not uncommon for people to fall in love with multiple animals and then have to leave them due to a lack of space. You can’t adopt them all!

This can be incredibly difficult to deal with, especially if you’re an animal lover.

In conclusion

All us animal-lovers know that adopting from a shelter is the most ethical and responsible way to get an animal companion. Animals in need should always be given priority.

However, while many rewards come with saving an animal from a shelter, it’s not always the best choice for everyone. Understanding the risks is essential so you can make an informed decision.