Why You Should Never Neuter Your Dog

Why you should never neuter your dog

Why You Should Never Neuter Your Dog

As a dog owner, you want what’s best for your furry friend. Or, as is often the case, what’s best for you! After all, you’ll be the one dealing with the consequences of your dog’s actions, whether good or bad.

You’ll be the one having to take care of any puppies that result from unwanted pregnancies. And you’ll be the one left picking up the pieces if your dog becomes aggressive or unruly after being neutered.

So, what’s the best course of action? Well, we can’t tell you what to do, but what we can do is show you all the downsides to neutering your dog that you might not have considered.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t neuter your dog

1. Neutering increases the risk of cancer

According to research conducted by the University of California, dogs who are neutered before one year of age are significantly more likely to develop certain types of cancer. Namely lymphoma.

This is thought to be due to the removal of the dog’s testicles, which produce cancer-protective hormones. Without these hormones, the dog is more susceptible to developing cancer.

2. Neutering can cause joint problems

Joint problems are common in larger breeds of dogs, and neutering can make them even worse. That’s because neutering removes hormones that are essential for proper joint development.

If you neuter your large breed dog before they reach full maturity, they’re more likely to develop hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and other joint problems later in life.

3. Neutering can make dogs obese

Neutered dogs are more likely to become obese than intact dogs because neutering lowers their metabolism and removes their natural urges to exercise.

This can lead to all sorts of health problems including diabetes, joint problems, and even heart disease.

4. Neutering changes a dog’s personality

Neutering can have a profound effect on a dog’s personality. In many cases, neutered dogs become less active and more subdued. They may also become less interested in playing and interacting with other dogs.

Now, this might not seem like a bad thing, especially if your dog is aggressive and you’re looking for a way to calm them down. But you may end up with a dog that’s so subdued they’re no longer any fun to have around.

5. Neutering can cause urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a common problem in female dogs that have been spayed. It occurs when the dog’s urinary sphincter muscles are weakened, causing them to leak urine.

According to a study by the Royal Veterinary College, London, female dogs that have been neutered are 3 times more likely to develop UI than those that haven’t.

6. Neutering can cause behavioral problems

Neutering can cause a number of behavioral problems in dogs, including aggression, anxiety, and hyperactivity.

These problems are thought to be caused by the removal of hormones that are essential for proper brain development. And while these issues are often temporary, particularly immediately after the surgery, they can become permanent if they’re not addressed early on.

7. There’s always a risk of death

Neutering involves anesthesia and surgery, both of which come with risks. And while the vast majority of dogs will recover from neutering without any complications, there is always a risk that something could go wrong.

Infections, bleeding, and even death are all possible complications of any surgery. So, if you’re not comfortable with the risks, it’s best to avoid neutering your dog.

8. It’s unnatural and cruel

Last but not least, many people believe that neutering is unnatural and cruel. After all, we wouldn’t dream of removing our own testicles or ovaries, so why should we do it to our dogs?

Reproduction is a natural part of a dog’s life cycle, and taking away their ability to reproduce is simply cruel. Additionally, it’s worth noting that neutering doesn’t just sterilize your dog, it also prevents them from experiencing the joys of being in heat and having puppies.


As a responsible dog owner, it’s important to do your research before making any decisions about your pet’s health — including whether or not to neuter them. We hope this article has given you some food for thought on the matter!