Why You Should Never Be Afraid Of Flying

Why you should never be afraid of flying

Why You Should Never Be Afraid Of Flying

We’ve all been there before – that moment of abject terror when the airplane takes off and we’re suddenly confronted with the fact that we’re thousands of feet in the air with no way out.

Then come all the questions – what if the engines fail? What if the plane starts to lose altitude? What if we crash? How is this huge, heavy, metal object actually staying in the air?

It’s natural to feel a little bit of anxiety when flying. After all, when you think about it, flying is a pretty unnatural thing for humans to do. We’re not built to fly, and yet here we are, hurtling through the sky at hundreds of miles an hour.

But here’s the thing – there’s no need to be afraid of flying. Sure, it can be a little uncomfortable at times, but it’s actually one of the safest ways to travel.

In this article, we’re going to look at some of the reasons why, when it comes to travel, flying isn’t something you should fear

7 reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid of flying

1. There’s a very low chance of a plane crash

Contrary to popular belief, flying is one of the safest ways to travel. In fact, you’re more likely to be involved in a car accident than a plane crash.

  • Odds of dying in a car accident: 1 in 6,000
  • Odds of dying in a plane crash: 1 in 11 million

Now, these numbers are more down to the prevalence of cars over planes than anything else – after all, there are far more cars on the road than there are planes in the sky. But it still goes to show that flying is a pretty safe way to travel.

2. Pilots are highly trained professionals

Pilots undergo years of strenuous training before they’re allowed to fly a commercial airliner. They have to pass rigorous tests and meet strict requirements to get their license.

And even after they’ve obtained it, they still need to maintain their skills by flying regularly. So, when you get on a plane, you can rest assured that the people in the cockpit are more than qualified to get you to your destination safely.

3. Planes are subject to strict safety regulations

Airplanes are subject to some of the strictest safety regulations in the world. They’re regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that they meet all the necessary safety standards.

And if there are any problems with an airplane, the pilot is required to report them before taking off. So, you can be sure that if there’s anything wrong with the plane, the pilot will know about it and won’t take off until it’s been fixed.

4. Air traffic control is always monitoring planes

Once a plane takes off, it’s constantly monitored by air traffic control. They keep track of the plane’s location and make sure that it stays on course.

Air traffic controllers also communicate with the pilot to give them updates on weather conditions and any other potential hazards in the sky. And not only are they all highly trained but there are strict laws that govern things like how much rest they must have between shifts.

5. The flying part of the flight is the safest

The majority of plane accidents happen on the ground, not in the air. In fact, take-off and landing, the shortest aspects of the flight, are actually the most dangerous parts.

Once you’re in the air, it’s much less likely that something will go wrong, so you should be able to relax and enjoy the flight once you reach cruising altitude.

6. You’ll miss out on the views

From high above, you’ll be able to see the world in a whole new way. But if you’re afraid of flying, you probably won’t be peering out of your window, so those incredible views will pass you by.

Thus, you won’t enjoy the experience as much as you could have, and you’ll miss out on some of the most beautiful scenery the world has to offer.

7. You might make others around you anxious

If you’re anxious about flying, there’s a good chance that you’ll make those around you anxious as well. People will see that you’re stressed and it will make them start to worry about things that they wouldn’t have otherwise. This could disrupt or ruin their flight experience.


The bottom line is, in most cases, flying is the only practical option for travel, so if you dream of getting away to far-flung destinations, you’re going to have to overcome your fear of flying at some point. There’s simply no need to be anxious about something that is actually quite safe.

If you do suffer from flying anxiety, consider taking some over-the-counter calming medication before your flight, such as Benadryl or Xanax. Or, check out some of the more natural offerings like Rescue Pastilles or Natural Vitality Calm. Just be sure to speak with your doctor before taking anything.