Why You Should Never Become A Nun

Why You Should Never Become A Nun

Why You Should Never Become A Nun

A lot of people find themselves drawn to the life of a nun for noble reasons. Whether it’s a deep connection to God, a desire for profound spiritual growth, or a yearning to make the world a better place through acts of charity, the appeal is undeniable.

At first glance, who wouldn’t want a life filled with moral purpose, a close-knit community of like-minded individuals, and the chance to dedicate oneself wholly to spiritual endeavors?

Yet, here’s the catch: donning that habit and taking those sacred vows is a far cry from a walk in the park. And we’re not just talking about giving up designer clothes or kissing your love life goodbye. Becoming a nun is a labyrinth of sacrifices, commitments, and adjustments that go far beyond what most people anticipate.

So, if you’re considering this divine calling, you’ve come to the right place, as I’m about to break down the disadvantages of becoming a nun.

11 reasons why you shouldn’t become a nun

1. Say goodbye to personal freedom

Being a nun means adhering to a rigorous daily routine set by your religious order. Forget late-night Netflix binges or spontaneous road trips with friends. Your life becomes a structured timetable, filled with community prayers, solitary meditations, and designated periods for work and rest.

The cloistered lifestyle is not for everyone, and it can feel confining if you’re used to making your own choices.

2. Vow of chastity? Vow of difficulty!

A nun takes a vow of chastity, which means zero romantic relationships. Now, love comes in many forms, and the love for a higher power is a beautiful thing.

Yet, the absence of romantic love, physical intimacy, or the possibility of having your own family can be soul-crushing for some people. You’re signing up for a lifelong commitment to celibacy, and that’s a big pill to swallow.

3. The financial reality is not pretty

You’re required to take a vow of poverty when you become a nun. Your basic needs will be covered by the convent, but personal luxuries are a no-go. Say goodbye to shopping sprees, fancy dinners, and tropical vacations.

Instead, your life will be filled with a humble wardrobe and simple meals. While the intention is to focus on spiritual wealth, the financial limitations can be a hard adjustment.

4. Your social life will take a hit

Let’s be clear: joining a convent doesn’t mean you’ll be socially isolated, but it does mean your social interactions will be limited to your religious community.

Catching up with old friends over coffee or attending family events becomes rare, if not impossible. Your life becomes centered around the members of your order, and while that can be fulfilling, it may also be claustrophobic for some.

5. It’s a lifelong commitment

One does not simply walk into a convent, say a prayer, and become a nun. The process involves years of preparation, training, and discernment. After all the preparation, if you find out it’s not for you, leaving can be complicated and emotionally taxing. It’s not like quitting a hobby; it’s more like ending a marriage.

6. Tons of rules to follow

When you become a nun, you’re not just following the Ten Commandments; you’re diving into a sea of rules and guidelines that govern almost every aspect of your life. From how to dress to when to speak and what to eat, there’s a rule for it.

If you’re someone who likes to question authority or make your own path, the rigid structure can be stifling.

7. Public scrutiny is a given

The moment you take vows, you become a visible representative of your faith. This means that people will watch your behavior, both within and outside of your religious community. One wrong move, and you risk becoming the talk of the town, in a not-so-flattering way. The pressure to maintain a certain image can be overwhelming.

8. The physical toll is real

Life in a convent isn’t all about sitting in quiet rooms praying. Many religious orders engage in physically demanding work, such as farming, construction, or intense charity work.

While the aim is noble, it can be taxing on your body, especially if you’re not prepared for the physical challenges that come with the territory.

9. Intellectual limitations can be frustrating

Many convents require nuns to focus their studies and reading on religious texts. While broadening your spiritual horizons is a worthy goal, this can be a letdown if you love exploring different subjects, be it science fiction or quantum physics. Your intellectual pursuits might have to take a backseat to your religious commitments.

10. It’s not a “trial run” kind of thing

Sure, there are stages of becoming a nun where you’re still discerning whether this life is for you. But once you’re in, you’re in. Quitting isn’t just a matter of packing up and leaving; it can involve complex processes, from formal dispensations to adjusting back to lay life. It’s not a decision that offers an easy way out if you change your mind.

11. Dealing with the public is tricky business

When you become a nun, you’re not just a person; you become a symbol of your faith. This invites all kinds of public interactions that you may not be prepared for. People might approach you with a myriad of expectations, from seeking spiritual guidance to outright challenging your beliefs.

The need to handle each encounter tactfully adds an extra layer of stress to your day-to-day life. Public dealings often require a level of diplomacy and patience that not everyone possesses.

Wrapping things up

While the life of a nun offers unique opportunities for spiritual growth and community, it also brings a set of challenges that aren’t everyone’s cup of holy water. From abiding by countless rules to living under public scrutiny, from facing physical hardships to navigating intellectual limitations, the path is strewn with obstacles.

Before taking such a monumental step (because, come on, folks, this is a huge step!), you simply must weigh the pros and cons carefully. Becoming a nun is not just a job change; it’s a life change. Make sure it’s a change you’re ready for.