Why You Should Never Eat Pop-Tarts

Why you should never eat Pop-Tarts

Why You Should Never Eat Pop-Tarts

When it comes to breakfast foods, few are as iconic as Pop-Tarts. These little toaster pastries have been around for decades and have become a staple in many homes.

This tasty treat from Kellogg’s is the company’s most popular brand in the US, and it’s no wonder why – Pop-Tarts are convenient, easy to eat, and come in a variety of flavors.

But as delicious as Pop-Tarts may be, there are some pretty compelling reasons why you should think twice before eating them. Let’s explore some of them below.

9 reasons why you shouldn’t eat Pop-Tarts

1. They’re loaded with sugar

This probably won’t come as a surprise to you, but Pop-Tarts are loaded with sugar. A single strawberry Pop-Tart, for example, contains 12 grams of sugar – that’s nearly three teaspoons!

What’s even worse is that much of this sugar is added sugar, which means it doesn’t naturally occur in the food. The American Heart Association recommends that people consume no more than six teaspoons (24 grams) of added sugar per day.

Eating just 2 Pop-Tarts means you exceed your entire day’s worth of sugar right there. No thanks!

2. They’re high in calories

Another downside of Pop-Tarts is that they’re quite high in calories. A single strawberry Pop-Tart, for example, contains 210 calories.

A single pack of Pop-Tarts contains 2 pastries. While 210 calories per pastry may not seem like a lot, the reality is that most people are going to eat both of them. That’s 420 calories in total!

The recommended calorie intake for an average adult is 2,000 per day, so a single pack of Pop-Tarts represents over 20% of that.

3. They’re full of unhealthy ingredients

To make Pop-Tarts taste so good, Kellogg’s has to add a lot of unhealthy ingredients. These include:

  • High fructose corn syrup: This is a type of sugar that’s been linked to obesity and other health problems
  • Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil: This is a type of trans fat, which has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease
  • Artificial flavors and colors: These are chemicals that have been linked to various health problems, like cancer

Why is corn syrup so bad?

Many of our favorite snacks are packed full of corn syrup, but why is it so bad for us? Well, corn syrup is a source of empty calories. This means that it contains a lot of calories but very little nutritional value.

In addition to that, corn syrup has also been linked to type II diabetes.

4. They’re not very filling

Despite being high in calories, Pop-Tarts don’t fill you up that much. This is because they’re mostly made up of simple carbohydrates, which are quickly digested by the body.

As a result, you’ll likely end up feeling hungry again not long after eating a Pop-Tart, or you’re more likely to eat more than one in one sitting. Either way, it’s not a good way to start your day.

5. They’re not very nutritious

Though there might be a fruity filling in your Pop-Tart, we’re sorry to say that it doesn’t make the pastry very nutritious.

That fruity filling has such low nutritional value that it doesn’t even qualify as a fruit serving. So, despite what the packaging might say, Pop-Tarts are not a good source of vitamins and minerals.

6. Most flavors contain gelatin

One of the ingredients in Pop-Tarts is gelatin, which is made from animal collagen. This means that some flavors of Pop-Tarts are not suitable for vegetarians or vegans.

Even if you don’t follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you could be allergic to gelatin.

7. They’re addictive

Yes, you read that right – Pop-Tarts can be addictive.

As with most high-sugar, high trans fat snacks, Pop-Tarts can cause cravings and make you feel the need to eat more. This is because these types of ingredients trigger the release of dopamine, which is a feel-good hormone.

When that happens, you start to experience withdrawal symptoms when you don’t eat Pop-Tarts, which can make it hard to resist the temptation.

8. They’re not good for your teeth

With all that sugar, it’s no surprise that Pop-Tarts are not good for your teeth. Not only will eating Pop-Tarts increase your risk of cavities, but the sticky nature of the pastries can make them hard to remove from your teeth.

9. You might cause a fire

Okay, so if you’re reading this (and if you have more than 2 brain cells), then you’re probably not going to make this mistake.

Pop-Tarts come wrapped in foil, and if you want to heat them, you’ll need to put them in a microwave or toaster. If you don’t remove the foil first, however, you could end up starting a fire.


Pop-Tarts might be tasty, but they’re certainly not good for you. Indulging in Pop-Tarts every once in a while is probably not going to kill you, of course, but we wouldn’t recommend making them a part of your regular diet.

If you’re looking for a healthier breakfast option, oatmeal (porridge for our UK readers) is a much better choice. It’s filling, nutritious, and can be just as tasty as Pop-Tarts if you top it with some fruit and honey.