Why You Should Never Get Breast Implants

Why you should never get breast implants

Why You Should Never Get Breast Implants

In today’s society, it seems like everyone is getting breast implants. From teenagers to octogenarians (okay, not quite, but you get the point), it seems like no one is happy with their natural breasts.

Once upon a time, the topic was taboo. But now, it seems like getting breast implants is as commonplace as getting a pedicure.

While breast enlargement surgery is very popular and considered relatively safe, that doesn’t mean there aren’t risks involved. In this article, we’ll take a look at all the reasons why you might want to reconsider getting this procedure.

13 reasons why you shouldn’t get breast implants

1. They’re expensive

Breast implants aren’t cheap. The average cost of a procedure is around $5,000, and that’s not even counting the costs of additional surgeries that may be required down the line.

When you factor in the cost of anesthesia, facility fees, and post-operative care, the total cost of getting breast implants can easily exceed $10,000. So unless you’ve got a ton of money just burning a hole in your pocket, you might want to think twice about getting breast implants.

2. They require maintenance

Just like your car or your house, your breast implants will require occasional maintenance. Whether it’s getting them replaced every 10 years or getting regular MRI scans to make sure they’re still intact, you’ll need to budget for the ongoing costs of maintaining your breast implants.

3. They could leak or rupture

Despite what some people might tell you, breast implants are not indestructible. Over time, they can leak or rupture, which means the silicone gel or saline solution that’s inside them could leak into your body. In some cases, leaks and ruptures can lead to serious health complications.

4. They might interfere with mammograms

If you ever need to get a mammogram, having breast implants can make it more difficult for radiologists to get an accurate reading. That’s because implants can block certain areas of the breast tissue from being properly imaged.

As a result, you might need to undergo additional testing or procedures (like ultrasounds) to make sure that everything is okay. Or things could be missed entirely.

5. They look and feel fake

If you’re not into the whole fake look, then breast implants are probably not for you. Many women report that their implants look and feel artificial, which can be a major turnoff for prospective partners who like things natural.

Your weight and body type can also affect how your implants look. For example, if you’re thin and have naturally small breasts, your implants might make you look disproportionate and unnatural.

6. They could be lopsided

Unless you’re working with a skilled surgeon (and even then there are no guarantees), there’s always the risk that your breast implants will be lopsided. Even if they start out looking symmetrical, they could eventually shift, resulting in an uneven appearance.

7. There might be pain and discomfort

After getting breast implants, many women report experiencing pain and discomfort. The breasts may feel hard and lumpy, and the skin around the implants might be tight and sore.

In some cases, this pain can be so severe that it interferes with daily activities and causes women to reverse the surgery.

8. They can make it difficult to breastfeed

If you plan on having children someday, you should know that breast implants can make it more difficult to breastfeed. This depends on the type of implants you get and where they’re placed, but it’s something to consider if you want to be able to feed your baby the natural way.

9. Shady doctors use non-FDA approved materials

If you’re thinking about getting breast implants, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable surgeon. Unfortunately, there have been cases of unscrupulous doctors using non-FDA-approved materials in their procedures, which can be extremely dangerous for the patient.

Women hoping to save money sometimes go to black market doctors for their implants. They run the risk of getting substandard materials that could leak, rupture, or cause other serious health problems.

10. Doing contact sports could be out of the question

If you’re a fan of contact sports, like martial arts or football, you might have to give them up if you get breast implants. That’s because implants can make it more difficult to wear proper protective gear, and you also run the risk of rupturing them if you take a hard hit.

11. You might be getting them for the wrong reasons

It’s important to make sure that you’re getting breast implants for the right reasons. If you’re doing it to please someone else or because you think it will make you more attractive, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.

12. People will stare

If you plan on getting breast implants, be prepared for the fact that people are going to stare. This is especially true if you go for a large size. People might stare because they’re curious, or they might be trying to figure out if your breasts are real. Either way, you won’t like it much.

13. You could die

Yes, you read that correctly. Although it’s rare (less than 2%), there have been instances where women have died from complications related to their breast implants.

Alternatives to breast implants

If you’re looking for ways to enhance your breasts without surgery, there are less invasive options available. A good push-up bra can work wonders, and there are also temporary solutions like padded inserts that can be used for special occasions.

If you’re interested in a more permanent solution, fat grafting is an option that uses your own body fat to enhance your breasts. This procedure is less risky and more permanent than implants, but it’s still relatively new so there isn’t a lot of long-term data available.

No matter what you decide, be sure to do your research and consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon before making any decisions.