Why You Should Never Go To College

Why you should never go to college

Why You Should Never Go To College

Congratulations on your high school graduation! You’ve worked hard for this momentous occasion and you should be proud of yourself. Now you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do with the rest of your life.

One option is to continue your education and go to college. After all, that’s what most people do after high school. You’ve probably heard that college is the best four years of your life, something that will open up doors for you – an investment that will pay off in the long run.

Sure, there are some great benefits to going to college. If you choose the right school and major, you could potentially set yourself up for a great career.

But is college really worth it? In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion about whether or not college is worth the time and money. Most importantly, is it right for you?

Before you make that decision, take a look at these compelling reasons why going to college might not be wise.

14 reasons why you shouldn’t go to college

1. You’ll be broke

College is expensive. Like, really expensive. It’s estimated that the average student will graduate with over $37,000 in student loan debt. When it comes to high-end colleges, that number can be closer to $200,000!

Even if you get scholarships or financial aid, you’ll still be shelling out a lot of money. Money that could be used for so many better things, like travel, experiencing life, or investing in yourself in other ways.

2. There’s no guarantee you’ll get a good job

Do you know how many people have degrees these days? It’s A LOT. So many people have degrees that employers are now starting to question their value.

And, who’s to say you’ll be able to secure a job in your field? Sure, you might be able to find a job, but is it one that you’ll love or that will even make use of your degree? Probably not.

3. You could learn everything you need to know without going to college

If you’re resourceful enough, you can find free or super cheap courses online that will teach you everything you need to know. Udemy has courses on almost every topic you can think of, from web development to musical instrument lessons to business management.

And if you want to learn about a specific topic, there are probably dozens of books at the library that can teach you everything. These books are usually the ones that you’d use on the college course anyway.

4 . You don’t need good grades to succeed in life

Let’s face it, grades aren’t everything. You could get all A’s in school and still end up being a total failure in life. Or conversely, you could get C’s and D’s and still go on to be a huge success.

We’ve seen this happen time and time again. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg are all college dropouts who went on to change the world. If they can do it, why can’t you?

5. Experience is often more valuable than education

In most cases, experience is way more valuable than formal education. Employers would much rather hire someone with years of relevant experience than someone with a bunch of letters after their name.

In fact, some employers prefer to hire people without degrees because they feel like they can mold them into exactly what they want them to be without any preconceived notions about the job or the industry.

If you’re looking to get a job in a specific field, try interning or working part-time in that industry. You’ll learn so much more and you’ll have a much better chance of getting hired full-time.

6. Much of what you learn in college is irrelevant

In this way, college is a bit like school. Half the things you learn, you’ll never use again. And the other half, you could easily learn on your own or on the job.

The truth is that most of the fundamental aspects of your chosen profession will be learned on the job. The rest is just fluff that you’re paying way too much money to learn.

7. College could set you back financially

In addition to the high cost of tuition, there are also a lot of other expenses that come with going to college. Books, housing, food, and transportation can all add up.

And if you’re not careful, you could easily find yourself in debt before you even graduate. This is the last thing you want when you’re just starting out in life.

Student loans have become a huge problem in the US and could ruin your life. In fact, they’re now the second largest type of debt in America (after mortgage debt).

8. The workload is often unrealistic

In most cases, the workload in college is way more than some students can handle. This is especially true if you’re working part-time or taking care of other responsibilities.

It’s not uncommon for students to pull all-nighters just to keep up with their coursework. This is not healthy and can lead to burnout.

9. You could end up partying too much

Okay, so this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But the truth is that many students party way too much in college and don’t focus enough on their studies. This can have some serious consequences, like flunking out of school and making reckless decisions.

10. You could waste valuable time

Those years spent in college could be better spent working on your career or starting a business. Instead of sitting in classrooms and listening to lectures, you could be out there making things happen.

Of course, this isn’t the case for everyone. But if you’re motivated and driven, you can probably achieve more outside of college than you ever could inside of it.

11. You could have a hard time fitting in

No one ever talks about this, but the truth is that college can be a very lonely place if you’re not from the “right” background or you don’t fit in socially.

Many students are the first in their families to go to college, and they often feel like they don’t belong. This can lead to homesickness, anxiety, and depression.

12. You’ll be away from your family and friends

Depending on where you go to school, you could be hundreds or thousands of miles away from home. This can be tough, especially if you’re used to being around your family and friends all the time.

You’ll have to make new friends and learn to fend for yourself. This can be a good thing, but it can also be a bit overwhelming at first.

13. Not all colleges are made equal

Some colleges are much better than others. If you go to a bad college, you could end up with a subpar education that does nothing to progress your career.

If you get into an Ivy League school or a top-tier university, you’ll do much better in life. But if your college isn’t well-regarded, it could end up being a waste of time and money.

Consider professions like law and medicine. The schools you attend matter a lot, and could determine whether or not you’re able to practice.

14. College isn’t for everyone

The harsh reality is that college isn’t for everyone. Whether you’re not ready for it emotionally or you just don’t think you’re educationally inclined, there’s nothing wrong with skipping college and taking another path.

Only you know what’s best for you. And if college doesn’t feel right, don’t force yourself into it.


There’s no shame in not going to college and there are plenty of alternative paths that can lead to success and happiness.

Financially, emotionally, and academically, college might not be the right choice for you. So don’t let anyone pressure you into something that doesn’t feel right. Trust your gut and do what’s best for you.