Why You Should Never Leave Your Child Unattended In A Car

Why You Should Never Leave Your Child Unattended In A Car

Why You Should Never Leave Your Child Unattended In A Car

It’s a common scenario: you pull up to the grocery store, your child is asleep in the backseat, and you think to yourself, “I’ll just run in for a few minutes to get some bread and milk.”

But here’s the thing: those few minutes could turn into a nightmare! Leaving your child unattended in a car, even for a short amount of time, is never a good idea.

In fact, it can be incredibly dangerous and even deadly. Don’t believe me? I’m going to break down some of the most crucial reasons why you should never leave your child alone in a car, no matter how quick you think your errand will be.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t leave your child unattended in the car

1. Heatstroke is no joke

Even on a mild day, the temperature inside a car can rise rapidly, reaching dangerous levels for a child. According to Kids And Cars, the temperature inside a car can increase by 20 degrees in just 10 minutes.

That means on a 70-degree day, the temperature inside a car can reach 90 degrees in no time. Heatstroke can occur when the body temperature reaches 104 degrees, and it can happen quickly, leading to brain damage, organ failure, and even death.

2. Carjacking is a real threat

Leaving your child alone in a car also increases the risk of carjacking. Carjackers often target vehicles with children inside because they know that the parent or caregiver will be hesitant to put up a fight or call for help. In some cases, the carjacker may not even realize that there’s a child in the car until it’s too late.

Additionally, leaving the car running while you run into a store or gas station makes it an easy target for car thieves who can easily drive off with your child inside.

What’s more, a fleeing car thief is likely to drive frantically and recklessly, thereby putting your child in even more danger.

3. Children can accidentally lock themselves in

Kids are curious creatures, and they love to push buttons and pull levers. This can lead to them accidentally locking themselves in the car, leaving you with a potentially dangerous situation.

If you’ve left your key in the ignition and can’t open the door yourself, you’ll be forced to break a window. Breaking a car window to get your child out is never a fun experience for anyone involved.

4. Abduction is a scary reality

Leaving your child in a car unattended also puts them at risk of abduction. According to the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children, approximately 460,000 children are reported missing every year in the United States alone; that number climbs above 800,000 globally.

While not all of these cases involve abduction, it’s still a scary reality for parents to consider. Leaving your child alone in a car, even for just a few minutes, could make them an easy target for predators.

5. It’s illegal in many states

Many states have laws in place that make it illegal to leave a child unattended in a car. You could face fines, imprisonment, and even have your parenting abilities taken from you by authorities. That’s because the act is seen as child negligence, and rightly so.

6. It can harm your child’s emotional well-being

Leaving your child alone in a car can cause anxiety and fear, especially for younger children who may not understand why they’re alone. The world is a scary place, made all the more terrifying when you’re a little person that’s strapped into a seat and can’t move.

This helplessness and vulnerability can lead to long-term emotional damage that could have been avoided by simply taking your child with you.

7. It raises questions about your love for your child

No one wants to be seen as a negligent parent, and leaving your child in a car unattended can definitely make people question your love for them. It sends the message that you value your own convenience over the safety and well-being of your child.

Plus, assuming that you do, indeed, love your kiddo, if something were to happen to them while they were alone in the car, you’d never forgive yourself.

This is pretty much a no-brainer. When it comes to deciding whether or not to leave your kid unattended in the car, you should always err on the side of caution. No errand is important enough to risk the life of your child, which is precisely what you’d be doing if you left them alone in your car.

Either take them with you or leave them with someone you (and they) know and trust. It might not be convenient but it will save you from a world of hurt.