Why You Should Never Binge Watch

Why You Should Never Binge Watch

Why You Should Never Binge Watch

The term “binge” is a relatively new one, but it has quickly become a part of our everyday vocabulary. We binge on everything from food to alcohol, and in recent years, one particular type of bingeing has taken over: binge-watching.

What does binge-watching mean, exactly?

Binge-watching is the act of watching multiple episodes of a TV show or streaming entire series in one sitting. Throw in a bunch of junk food and unhealthy snacks (a must, if you want to truly embrace the binge-watching experience), and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a lazy weekend.

Thanks to the rise of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, it’s easier than ever to become a binge-watcher. But is this really a good thing?

Well, you probably already know the answer to that, but because I’m nice like that, I’ll break it down for you.

10 reasons why you shouldn’t binge watch

1. It’s bad for your health, plain and simple

Let’s start with the most obvious reason: binge-watching is terrible for your health. Not only does it encourage a sedentary lifestyle, but it can also lead to weight gain and other health problems.

I mean, think about it – when you’re sitting on the couch for hours on end, you’re not exactly burning calories or getting any exercise.

2. It encourages you to pig out on junk food

Speaking of weight gain, binge-watching often goes hand in hand with binge-eating. When you’re in the middle of a binge-watching session, it’s easy to mindlessly consume whatever unhealthy snacks are in front of you.

You know what I’m talking about – a bag of chips here, a pint of ice cream there. Before you know it, you’ve consumed an entire pizza and half a gallon of soda.

If you were bingeing on broccoli and carrot sticks, it wouldn’t be so bad, but let’s face it – that’s not usually the case.

3. It can mess with your sleep schedule

Binge-watching often means staying up late into the night, which can seriously disrupt your sleep schedule. Not getting enough restful sleep has been linked to all sorts of health problems, from obesity to depression.

Plus, when you’re tired and groggy the next day, you’re more likely to reach for that extra cup of coffee or sugary snack to keep yourself going, both of which will disrupt your sleep. And thus, the vicious cycle continues.

4. It can make you anti-social

Spending all of your free time glued to the TV will inevitably lead to less social interaction. You’re not out there making new friends or strengthening existing relationships when you’re bingeing on the latest season of your favorite show.

“But I binge-watch with my friends”, I hear you say. Sure, watching shows with friends can be fun, but it’s still a passive activity that doesn’t allow for much interaction or connection. You’re all staring at the same screen instead of actually engaging with each other, so how much quality “togetherness” is really going on?

5. It will be hard to return to reality

When you finally do emerge from your binge-watching cocoon, you’re going to have a hard time adjusting to real life again. It’s easy to get lost in the world of your favorite show and forget about all the responsibilities waiting for you outside.

Suddenly, going back to work or studying for exams seems like a daunting task.

6. You’ll experience withdrawal symptoms

Once you finish binge-watching a show, you might experience withdrawal symptoms. You’ll miss the characters and the storyline so much that it’ll be hard to let them go.

You might even feel like there’s a void in your life now that you don’t have hours of new episodes to look forward to every day. It sounds dramatic, but trust me, it happens.

7. It’s unproductive

Chances are, whatever your binge-watching is the type of entertainment that won’t help you grow or develop any new skills.

Don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing inherently wrong with unwinding and enjoying some mindless entertainment once in a while, but if you’re doing it for hours on end, day after day, you’re not exactly making the most of your time.

There are so many other things you could be doing that would benefit you more in the long run – reading a book, learning a new skill or hobby, volunteering… The list goes on! Binge-watching will keep you from all of it.

8. Delaying gratification in other areas of your life will be harder

When you’re so used to getting everything you want (i.e., hours of uninterrupted entertainment) at the push of a button, you’ll have trouble waiting for things in other areas of your life.

You might become less patient and more demanding of instant gratification, which will only lead to disappointment and frustration when things don’t go your way.

9. Most shows weren’t designed to be watched in one sitting

Outside of the made-for-streaming shows that are made with binge-watchers in mind, most shows weren’t designed to be watched in one sitting. They were created with the idea that viewers would tune in once a week, allowing for cliffhangers and suspense between episodes.

When you watch an entire season (or series) at once, you miss out on those little moments of anticipation and excitement that make watching TV so enjoyable.

And because everyone will be watching at different times, you’ll miss out on the social discourse that usually surrounds the latest episode or season.

10. Savoring is a dying art

There’s something to be said for savoring things in life – whether it’s a delicious meal, a great book or an amazing TV show.

When you binge-watch, you’re consuming everything so quickly that you won’t be able to appreciate the nuances of the story and characters fully. You might miss out on subtle details or hidden references that only become clear after you’ve had time to reflect.

Plus, the anticipation of waiting for the next episode or season is usually half the fun. When you consume everything at once, there’s nothing left to look forward to.

Final word

Look, I’m not going to sit here and pretend I haven’t been guilty of binge-watching before. We’ve all done it, and we’ll do it again soon, I’m sure. But there’s no denying that it’s not the most healthy or productive way to spend our time.

We need to strike a balance between indulging in entertainment and taking care of ourselves.

It’s all about moderation. Watch a few episodes of your favorite show and then go for a walk or read a book. Have some healthy snacks on hand to munch on instead of junk food.

And remember – there’s no shame in taking your time with something you enjoy. Savor it, appreciate it, and don’t rush through everything just because you can.