Why You Should Never Live Alone

Why You Should Never Live Alone

Why You Should Never Live Alone

Living solo. Going it alone. Flying without a co-pilot. However you refer to living by yourself, it’s a path many have trod before you.

Supporters will wax poetic about the joys of solitary living – dancing in your birthday suit, eating cold pizza for breakfast, and never having to compromise on what to watch on Netflix.

Those are, indeed, some of the perks of living alone, and I dare say you’ll enjoy them immensely… for a time. But the truth is, my friend, the novelty will wear off, fast. Because, by nature, human beings are social creatures. We thrive on human connection, support, and companionship. Living alone for too long can become lonely.

While a season of independence can be empowering, in the long run, most of us need more. We need a listening ear, a helping hand, someone to share life’s ups and downs.

Even introverts, who cherish solo time, know they can only recharge their batteries so long before they need to reconnect. As they say, no man is an island.

Still need convincing? Well, here are some of the reasons why choosing a life of solitude might not be in your best interests.

11 reasons why you shouldn’t live alone

1. Loneliness

Living alone can feel pretty lonely sometimes. When you come home after a long day, there’s no one to talk to about how things went or to share a laugh with. Sure, you can call or text friends and family, but it’s not the same as having someone right there with you.

Imagine watching your favorite TV show alone versus having someone next to you to chat about the best scenes. It’s just different, you know?

2. Safety concerns

Living by yourself can bring up some safety issues. For example, what if you slip in the shower or have a minor accident while cooking? There won’t be anyone around to help you out immediately.

It’s not just about emergency situations, either. Even simple things like hearing a strange noise in the middle of the night can be nerve-wracking when you’re all alone. Having someone else in the house can give you an extra sense of security and peace of mind.

Plus, there’s always the benefit of having another set of eyes to watch out for anything unusual. Safety in numbers, as they say!

3. No shared costs

One of the downsides of living alone is that you have to handle all the bills by yourself. Whether it’s rent, utilities, or groceries, every cost falls on your shoulders. When you have a roommate or live with family, you usually get to split some of these costs. This can make a big difference in your budget!

Think about it: sharing the cost of rent and utilities can free up money for other things you enjoy, like going out with friends or saving up for something special.

Something else to consider: it’s also easier to afford a nicer place or better amenities when you’re not covering the cost all by yourself.

4. Lack of emotional support

Living alone means you might miss out on day-to-day emotional support. Imagine having a tough day at work or school and coming home to an empty house. There’s no one to vent to or offer you advice right in the moment.

Emotional support is something we often take for granted, but it’s really important for our well-being. When you live with someone else, be it family or a roommate, you have the chance to share your ups and downs.

It’s comforting to know someone’s got your back and is there to listen when you need to talk.

5. No shared household chores

Doing all the housework alone? That can be a real drag. From taking out the trash to doing the dishes, household chores quickly pile up when you’re the only one responsible. With a roommate or family around, these tasks can be split up, making life a lot easier.

Maybe you’re great at vacuuming but hate doing laundry; a roommate might be willing to trade chores with you. Sharing the workload not only saves time but also makes chores less monotonous.

In other words, teamwork can turn a boring task into something way more manageable.

6. No built-in social interaction

When you live alone, you don’t get that automatic social time you’d have with a roommate or family. With no one around to casually chat with over breakfast or to discuss plans for the weekend, your home can start to feel a bit isolated.

Without this daily interaction, you might even find yourself missing out on valuable social skills. Socializing keeps our minds active and our hearts happy.

Having someone to socialize with at home becomes even more crucial if you, like an increasing number of the population, work from home. Where once the office offered a space to chat with coworkers and take a break from the solitude, working from home means that you might not interact with people in person for a good chunk of the day.

This lack of face-to-face interaction can make you feel even more isolated and might even affect your work performance.

7. You’ll be talking to yourself… a lot

Okay, let’s get real: ever find yourself narrating your cooking like you’re on a cooking show, but there’s no camera, no audience—just you and your frying pan? Living solo can turn you into your own best (and only) conversational partner.

Sure, some self-talk is healthy, but there’s a difference between a motivational pep talk and debating dinner choices with yourself for 20 minutes!

8. Potentially unhealthy habits

When no one’s watching, it’s easy to slide into habits that aren’t the best for you. Maybe you’re snacking a bit too much, or perhaps your Netflix marathons are turning into all-day affairs. Living alone, there’s no one to gently nudge you back on track.

On the flip side, having someone around acts like a built-in accountability partner. Maybe your roommate is a fitness enthusiast who inspires you to join them for a jog, or perhaps your family loves cooking healthy meals together.

Either way, cohabiting can be the nudge you need to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

9. Meal prep is less fun

Cooking for one can sometimes feel like a chore rather than a fun activity. You make a big pot of spaghetti, and now you’re eating leftovers for days. Where’s the joy in that?

When you live with someone else, mealtime becomes an event, a shared experience. You can cook together, try out new recipes, and even turn the kitchen into your own culinary playground.

It’s a chance to not just share a meal, but also to share the whole cooking process. You might even learn a thing or two from each other, like how to finally make that tricky dish you’ve been avoiding.

In short, having a kitchen buddy turns meal prep from mundane to magical.

(Eating alone is also no fun. Check out my article Why You Should Never Eat Alone to see the downsides.)

10. More difficult to travel

Ever get the travel bug and just want to hop in the car for a weekend getaway or catch a last-minute flight deal? When you live alone, you have to think about a lot more logistics. Who will water the plants or feed your pet fish Gilbert? What about keeping an eye on your place while you’re exploring the world?

Traveling becomes a bit more complicated when you don’t have someone at home to share these responsibilities.

11. Your mental health might suffer

Living alone doesn’t just affect your social life; it can also take a toll on your mental well-being. When you’re by yourself, it’s easier to fall into a loop of negative thoughts or to ignore signs of stress and anxiety. You don’t have that immediate “check-in” that comes from living with someone else.

Maybe you’ve been feeling down, but there’s no one around to notice and say, “Hey, you okay?” Having someone else in the house can be like a safety net for your mind. They can help you catch yourself before you slip too far down a mental rabbit hole.

Final thoughts

Living alone certainly has its perks – no one eats your leftovers or hogs the remote. You can walk around in your underwear and sing at the top of your lungs with no judgment.

But humans are social creatures at heart. Having roommates provides built-in companionship, accountability, and memories. Even when they leave hairs in the sink or muddy prints on the floor, they make life richer and remind us we’re not islands.

So be bold – post that listing for a roommate. Interview thoroughly to find a compatible match. Then get ready for late nights chatting over tea, impromptu dance parties, and someone who has your back.

The messiness of cohabitation is worth the love that flows through an inhabited home. You might be surprised who becomes family when you open your space and heart.