Why You Should Never Live Near Power Lines

Why You Should Never Live Near Power Lines

Why You Should Never Live Near Power Lines

Power lines – they’re everywhere, from bustling city centers to the peaceful suburbs. They’re the unsung heroes of modern infrastructure, providing electricity to homes and businesses across the globe.

But as it turns out, living near these essential lines might not be the best idea. In fact, there are numerous reasons why you’ll be in for a really hard time should you decide to put down roots near a power line. Let’s explore why.

16 reasons why you shouldn’t live near power lines

1. EMF exposure

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are present everywhere, but living near power lines exposes you to high levels of EMFs, which can have harmful effects on your health. EMFs are known to penetrate human tissue, causing damage to cells and DNA. Exposure to EMFs has been linked with various health problems.

2. Cancer risk

Studies have shown that long-term exposure to EMF radiation can increase the risk of developing cancer, particularly childhood leukemia. This is because, as already mentioned, EMFs can damage DNA, leading to mutations that can trigger cancerous cell growth.

It should be noted, however, that the evidence on this isn’t conclusive, and more research is needed to understand the full extent of the risks associated with EMF exposure.

3. Fertility issues

Exposure to EMFs has also been linked with reduced fertility and increased risks of pregnancy complications such as miscarriage and birth defects.

EMFs can affect the quality and quantity of sperm and eggs, leading to fertility problems. Pregnant women are especially at risk, as EMFs can also affect the development of the fetus.

4. Neurological disorders

EMF exposure has been associated with various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. EMFs have the ability to disrupt the communication between cells in the brain and affect the formation of new neural connections. Thus, prolonged exposure to high levels of EMFs can lead to long-term neurological problems.

5. Sleep disturbances

EMFs can disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. As a result, high levels of EMF radiation can interfere with the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to sleep problems like insomnia or interrupted sleep patterns.

6. Behavior issues in children

It’s not just adult brains that are in danger. As EMFs have the ability to affect the developing brain and disrupt normal neurological function, children living near power lines may experience behavioral issues, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

7. Headaches and migraines

People who are exposed to high levels of EMFs have reported experiencing headaches and migraines as a result. And yep, you guessed it, this is because of the way EMFs cause changes in the brain’s electrical activity.

8. Cardiovascular problems

Believe it or not, long-term exposure to EMF radiation may even increase the risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as heart disease. Those powerful EMF signals can affect the function of the heart and blood vessels, leading to problems with circulation and increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

9. Skin irritation & sensitivity

Some people living near power lines have reported experiencing skin irritation and sensitivity due to prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields. The reason being: EMFs can affect the skin’s ability to retain moisture, leading to dryness and irritation.

10. Decreased property value

Properties located close to power lines are often viewed as less desirable, which can affect their resale value and make them more difficult to sell. Many people are fully aware of the potential health risks associated with living near them, so they’re loath to buy properties in close proximity.

11. Interference with electronic devices

Strong magnetic fields generated by power lines might just interfere with your computers, televisions, cellphones, and radios, causing disruptions in transmission or operation. It’s going to be pretty frustrating operating your devices in the event that this happens.

12. Potential fire hazard

Power lines can cause sparks that may lead to fires in homes located near them. This risk is particularly high during periods of high winds or when the power lines are damaged.

Even homes located a short distance away from power lines can be at risk of fires caused by sparks. The risk is further compounded in areas with dry vegetation, which can quickly fuel a fire.

13. Aesthetics/disturbance of scenery near homes

Let’s be honest, power lines are eyesores. The tall metal poles and wires obstruct scenic views and take away from the natural beauty of the surroundings. This is particularly bothersome if you live in an area with otherwise stunning views.

14. Noise pollution

Power lines tend to generate a constant humming or buzzing sound that can be disruptive to residents living in the surrounding areas. Although the noise isn’t incredibly loud, it is annoying and will get to you after a while. Kiss peace and quiet goodbye!

15. Limited outdoor activities

Living near power lines can significantly limit your outdoor activities. If you’re concerned about the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields, you’re probably not going to want to be outside doing “nature stuff” like gardening, or doing other enjoyable activities such as relaxing on the lawn or playing outside with your kids.

16. Potential risk during maintenance work

Maintenance work performed near power lines can be risky and dangerous both for workers as well as bystanders. This work often involves high voltage electricity, which poses a significant risk of electrocution.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, residents living near power lines might even be required to vacate their homes temporarily during maintenance work. Talk about inconvenient!

Final word

I hate to say it, but there doesn’t seem to be any good reason to live near power lines!

Okay, so sure, you might be able to pick up a cheap house in a prime location, but the potential risks to your health and wellbeing, as well as other factors like property value and aesthetics, make it a less than ideal choice.