Why You Should Never Marry An Actress

Why you should never marry an actress

Why You Should Never Marry An Actress

There’s a certain appeal that comes with dating or marrying an actress, famous or otherwise. As some of the most sought after women on the planet, sometimes adored by millions, you might think you’ve hit the jackpot. It’s very easy to get sucked into the glitz and glamour of it all.

But all that glitters isn’t gold. The life of a starlet is hectic, fraught with issues that the normal person simply isn’t cut out for. As the leading man in an actress’s real life, what you thought would be a dream come true might be a living nightmare!

In this article we’ll discuss 10 reasons why you should never marry an actress, no matter how smitten with her you are.

1) High divorce rate

The love life of an actress is like a revolving door. They tend to jump in and out of marriages like they’re taxis!

What is the average celebrity marriage length?

According to the 2017 US Census, the average Hollywood marriage lasts just 6 years. That’s not a long time if you plan to live happily ever after well into old age.

2) Easy for her to be unfaithful

Actresses are often surrounded by some of the best-looking people in the world, and they, too, can get taken in by the fame and proximity to power. Thus, if she has access to Hollywood’s elite, she might not think twice about cheating on you.

3) Intimate scenes

Chances are, there’ll come a time when she’ll have to lock lips with a handsome leading man. What you might not know is that kissing scenes have to be shot several times, so even if there’s just one kiss, the likelihood is there were many takes to get the right one.

Although it’s part of the job, not all men are okay with their girlfriends or wives kissing other people. Because, although it is acting, the kiss is still very real. Those lips do meet; those tongues do connect.

4) Actresses are social climbers

Not all actresses are aiming for A-list status, but it’s fair to say that all of them want good roles and consistent work. If an actress is hungry and ambitious enough, she’ll do whatever it takes to get ahead.

Ever heard of the infamous casting couch? While efforts have been made to eradicate it, it still exists in some form.

Aside from that, celebrities have been known to publicly support morally questionable groups and causes simply because it looks good to Hollywood, despite them holding opposing views. You only need to browse celebrity Twitter to see this in action.

5) They’re good liars

Their very profession involves being able to lie convincingly. If she’s good at her job, it will be impossible for you to tell when she’s lying to you. That scarf you bought her, the one she said she adored, does she actually hate it? You’ll never know.

6) You’ll have no privacy from the public

One of the downsides of dating an actress is that, now that you’re a part of her life, you become paparazzi fodder along with her.

This is more of a concern when the actress is famous and her love life has previously been the subject of tabloid stories.

Whatever you do, even when she’s not with you or involved, is likely to garner you some unwanted attention from the press.

7) They’re emotionally unstable

The entertainment industry comes with many pressures, which, after a while can take its toll on an actress’s mental health. Some of these pressures include:

  • the pressure to always look good – newspapers and gossip blogs take joy in snapping pictures of women sans makeup

  • the pressure to get acting gigs – there’s so much competition out there for good, steady work, that it can be brutal for actresses on the lower rungs of the ladder to get parts

  • the pressure to do or say no wrong – what with cancel culture being activated for the silliest things, it’s often difficult to know how to navigate the world without upsetting someone and destroying your whole career

  • the pressure to learn lines – it might not seem like a big deal, but sometimes actors and actresses are only given a short amount of time to learn their lines. This can be extremely stressful.

It’s not uncommon to hear about starlets checking into rehab for exhaustion and addiction, due to the stresses of their job.

8) Lots of time away from home

Many roles require actors to shoot in different cities, states, or even countries, which can sometimes involve being away from home for months at a time.

This is a bigger issue for actresses who have children. Whether you all travel together or she leaves you behind to take care of the children, either way it will cause a major disruption to your life.

Spending weeks or months away from each other isn’t good for any marriage, and it’s easy for things like jealousy and trust issues to creep up.

9) You’ll have to help her with her lines

One of your duties as husband to an actress will be to help her read her lines. This can become a full-time job for you if she has a lead role on a daytime TV show or network show that shoots for most of the year.

10) You won’t understand her world

This is especially true if you’re an average Joe who isn’t in the industry.

While it’s not necessary for a couple to be in the same field in order for their marriage to work, not knowing what the entertainment industry entails will make it difficult for you to connect with her.

You won’t appreciate the demands of her job, the bizarre and unique nature of her industry, or how to help her when things go wrong.

This can put a strain on the relationship and push her into the arms of someone who “gets it.”

Are any actresses suitable for marriage?

Of course. Some actresses won’t be nearly as problematic as others. An unproblematic actress usually has most if not all of these qualities:

  • she’s grounded – remembers where she came from and what’s really important

  • she’s more about her craft than her celebrity – in other words she’s an actress – her only concern is being the best actress she can be

  • she’s close to her family and old friends – her family and friends will keep her sane and bring her back down to Earth whenever they sense her becoming too Hollywood

  • she looks up to decent people in the industry – the people she respects are also grounded, known for their work, and are free from public scandal

  • she’s secure in her convictions – she’ll confidently and proudly stand up for what she beliefs, even when it goes against what the Hollywood sheep support