Why You Should Never Open Up To Someone

Why you should never open up to someone

Why You Should Never Open Up To Someone

We all have our own little secrets. The things we don’t want others to know about us, the things that we’re embarrassed about, the things that make us who we are.

Sometimes, however, we feel the need to share a secret or two with someone else. Maybe we want to confide in a friend or family member, or maybe we’re looking for advice from a therapist or counselor.

While there certainly are benefits to confiding in someone, there are also dangers, all of which we’ll discuss in this article.

9 reasons why you shouldn’t open up to someone

1. You never know who they’ll tell

The first and most obvious reason why you shouldn’t share your secrets with just anyone is that you never know who they’ll blab to.

Even if the person you’re confiding in seems like they can be trusted, you never know what could happen. They could accidentally tell someone else, or they could deliberately tell someone else in an attempt to gossip or spread rumors about you.

2. They could use your secrets against you

As the saying goes, “Loose lips sink ships.” If you share something sensitive with someone, there’s always the chance that they could use it against you.

For example, let’s say you confide in a friend that you’re struggling with depression. If that friend is the gossipy type, they could start spreading rumors about your mental health, which could damage your reputation.

3. You’ll constantly worry that they’ll tell

The second you share a secret with someone, you’ll start to worry that they’ll reveal it. And even if they’re generally trustworthy, this won’t set your mind at ease.

You’ll find yourself constantly wondering if they’re going to tell someone else or let something slip accidentally. This can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress.

4. They might not be as accepting as you thought

Sometimes, the secrets we share are the ones that we’re most embarrassed about. Maybe it’s something like an addiction or a mental health disorder.

When we confide in someone, we’re often hoping that they’ll be understanding and accepting. But unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Some people might judge you or react negatively when they find out your secret.

5. You could damage your relationship

Sharing secrets can be a way of bonding with someone, but it can also damage your relationship. If you share something that the other person isn’t comfortable with, it could make them feel unnerved or even resentful.

It’s important to remember that not everyone is ready or willing to hear your secrets. If you force them to listen, it could damage your relationship beyond repair.

6. It could get you in trouble

Some secrets are best left unsaid. If you share something illegal or incriminating with someone, it could get you into a lot of trouble.

Even if the person you’re confiding in seems like they can be trusted, there’s always the chance that they could turn on you. And the next thing you know, you could be in hot water with the law.

7. What’s said can’t be unsaid

We often tell our secrets when we’re at our most vulnerable and when we need to be consoled. But when that feeling of vulnerability subsides and you have a clear head, there’s a very real possibility that you’ll regret sharing your secret.

The trouble is, once you’ve said something, you can’t take it back. The cat is out of the bag, so to speak. And once someone else knows it, you have very little control over what they do with that information.

8. You’re passing on the burden

When you share a secret with someone, you’re not just telling them something, you’re also passing on your burden.

If you’re struggling to deal with something, confiding in someone else might seem like the best way to get some relief. But in reality, you’re just passing on your burden to them. And they might not be ready or willing to deal with it.

This could lead to them feeling overwhelmed or stressed, something you wouldn’t want to do to someone you care about.

9. It’s often unnecessary

Yes, when we confide in others, it can be both therapeutic and helpful. But often, it’s simply unnecessary.

If you’re struggling with something, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to share your problems with everyone. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is keep them to yourself and deal with them in your own way.


By keeping your secrets close to your chest, you can protect yourself from getting hurt or having your secrets used against you by somebody who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.

So think twice before you confide in someone and ask yourself if it’s really worth the risk.