Why You Should Never Quit University/College

Why You Should Never Quit University/College

Why You Should Never Quit University/College

So you’re weighing the pros and cons of sticking with your university or college degree, eh? You’re not alone; in fact, it’s a struggle many students grapple with.

This monumental decision isn’t something to take lightly, because it can shape your future in ways you may not anticipate. Sure, college isn’t a cakewalk. But then again, what truly rewarding thing is?

Maybe you’re itching to get out into the real world, feeling boxed in by the monotonous cycle of lectures, assignments, and exams. Or perhaps, you’re drawn by the glamorous stories of college dropouts turned billionaires, wondering if you could be the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. But remember, these cases are exceptions, not the rule.

Now, because I love ya, I’m here to stop you before you make any hasty decisions. In this post, we’ll explore why quitting university may not be your best bet.

11 reasons why you shouldn’t quit college/university

1. Learning broadens your horizons

This is one of the most powerful arguments in favor of sticking around for that degree. Knowledge, they say, is power—and there’s plenty of truth to that!

College/university isn’t just about rote learning and cramming for exams. It’s about expanding your worldview, learning to think critically, and acquiring a diverse skill set.

It might seem like what you’re learning is useless or irrelevant, but these skills and knowledge have a sneaky way of popping up when you least expect them.

2. Degrees still matter in the job market

“But I can just learn everything online for free!”, you might protest. That’s true, but here’s the rub: employers still care about degrees. A lot. Statistics show that degree holders earn significantly more than those with a high school diploma alone.

Plus, some professions absolutely require a degree. You can’t become a lawyer, doctor, or engineer by watching YouTube tutorials, can you? Your degree can act as a key, unlocking doors to opportunities and job markets that might otherwise remain closed.

3. You’ll build lifelong connections

College is a melting pot of individuals from different walks of life, each with their own unique perspectives and ideas. These are people you might never cross paths with otherwise.

The connections and friendships you make here could last a lifetime, and who knows where they might lead? Besides, networking is a crucial aspect of building a successful career, and university provides a fertile ground for it.

4. You gain independence and life skills

College/uni isn’t just about academic education—it’s also about life education. It’s a transition period where you learn to manage your time, handle your finances, juggle responsibilities, and even deal with failure.

Plus, it’s a safe space to make mistakes and learn from them, because let’s face it: adulting is hard, and the “real world” isn’t as forgiving.

5. Access to resources and mentorship

Colleges/universities are chock-full of resources that might not be readily available elsewhere. Cutting-edge labs, extensive libraries, study groups, workshops, clubs—you name it.

You’ll also have access to professors who are experts in their fields. These mentors can provide guidance, inspiration, and even research opportunities that could spark your passion and set the course for your future career.

6. The college experience is one-of-a-kind

Okay, this might seem a little less tangible, but it’s worth considering. College is a unique life experience filled with memorable moments. From late-night study sessions and spirited sports games to internships and study-abroad opportunities, it’s a chapter of life you might not want to miss out on.

7. Quitting is a form of failure

Now, I’m not saying quitting is always bad—sometimes it can be the bravest thing you do. But quitting college because it’s challenging or demands a lot of hard work? That’s essentially admitting defeat.

Success requires perseverance. And overcoming the trials and tribulations of college might be your first real test of perseverance. Stick it out, and you’ll come out stronger and more resilient on the other side.

8. You’ve already invested time and money

The amount you’ve spent on tuition, books, housing, and ramen noodles (don’t forget those) up to this point isn’t trivial. That’s money that could go to waste if you drop out.

Then there’s the time you’ve spent studying, going to classes, and doing assignments—this is all an investment. Leaving before you get your degree is like running most of a marathon and then stopping just before the finish line.

9. Your loved ones might be disappointed

If you’re privileged enough to have family or friends who are emotionally invested in your education, think about their feelings, too. They’ve likely made sacrifices so you can attend college and would be overjoyed to see you succeed.

While your happiness should always come first, it’s worth considering the potential disappointment or worry your decision to quit might cause them.

10. College is a rare opportunity

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge the elephant in the room: not everyone gets the opportunity to go to college. If you’re lucky enough to be in a position to attend, that in itself is something to be grateful for. Many people would jump at the chance to get the kind of education you might be contemplating giving up.

11. The workforce isn’t going anywhere

You might be eager to start earning, but remember, the job market isn’t about to vanish while you’re in school. If anything, graduating with a degree could give you a leg up when you do decide to jump in.

So take a deep breath, and don’t rush. The jobs will still be there when you’re done, and you’ll likely be better equipped to snag one.

Final word

In the grand roller coaster of life, college is like that scary loop-the-loop in the middle. It’s daunting and makes your stomach churn, but oh boy, does it give you a thrill that you’ll remember for a lifetime.

And when it’s over, you’ll look back and laugh, maybe even wanting to ride it all over again. So buckle up, put your game face on, and enjoy the ride. Before you know it, you’ll be on the other side, diploma in hand, ready to take on the world.

I do get it, though. You’re probably sitting there, weighed down by textbooks, scratching your head over an assignment that resembles ancient hieroglyphics more than anything else, and thinking, “This is your idea of thrilling? Yeah, thanks, but no thanks!”

But trust me when I say, each challenge you face and overcome is shaping you into a more resilient, determined individual—skills that will serve you well long after you leave college.