Why You Should Never Say Never

Why You Should Never Say Never

Why You Should Never Say Never

Let’s talk about the word “never.” It’s a pretty powerful word, isn’t it? When you say “I’ll never do that,” you’re making a big statement. You’re saying that no matter what happens in your life, no matter how much time passes or how many things change, there’s absolutely zero chance of you doing whatever it is you just declared off-limits.

We all use the word, and for the most part, it’s used loosely. The thing is, we probably shouldn’t be using it at all, unless we’re absolutely certain about our stance. And in this world of uncertainty and constant change, that’s a pretty tall order.

Need some more convincing? Read on…

8 reasons why you shouldn’t say “Never”

1. Life is unpredictable

You never know what the future holds, and making a definitive statement about your future actions can come back to bite you in the butt. You might think you’ll never enjoy sushi, but then one day someone convinces you to try it and suddenly you’re a convert.

2. It limits your options and opportunities

When you say “never,” you’re closing off an entire avenue of possibilities for yourself. Maybe there’s something out there that would be perfect for you, but because of some arbitrary rule that “you’ll never do x,” you miss out on it.

For example, if you say “I’ll never travel to Asia,” then not only are you missing out on some incredible cultures, but also the chance to try amazing foods and see breathtaking sights.

3. You might change your mind

People evolve and grow as they go through life, and what you once thought was a hard-and-fast rule for yourself might not be so true in the future.

Our opinions and perspectives are constantly changing based on our experiences and the people we meet. Expecting yourself to stay the same and never change your mind is unrealistic.

4. It’s a negative word

Let’s face it, “never” has a pretty negative connotation. When you use it, you’re essentially shutting down any possibility of something happening in the future. And who wants to live their life with such a pessimistic outlook?

5. It can create unnecessary tension

If you tell someone that you’ll never do something they love or believe in, it can come across as dismissive or even insulting. They might feel like you’re judging them for their interests or passions and that can create tension in your relationship.

6. You could be seen as a liar if you go back on your word

If you say “never” and then end up doing the thing you swore off, people might call you out for being a liar. They might even hold it against you and think less of you in the future because you didn’t stick to your convictions

7. You don’t have all the facts

When you make a statement like “I’ll never do that,” you’re making assumptions based on what you know now. But the truth is, there’s so much we don’t know about the world and ourselves.

Maybe if you had all the information or were in a different situation, your opinion would change. For example, if someone said “I’ll never have kids,” but then they meet their soulmate who really wants children, things might change.

8. It cheapens the word

Okay, so this one’s mostly for my word nerds out there, but hear me out. When you use “never” too often, it loses its power. It becomes just another word in your vocabulary that you throw around without much thought.

And when something truly important happens and you need to use the word “never” to express how strongly you feel about a situation, it won’t carry as much weight as it should because you’ve diluted its meaning by using it too often and incorrectly.


Saying “never” is a habit that we should all try to break. It’s limiting, negative and often unnecessary.

Instead, why not adopt a more open-minded approach to life and be willing to try new things (within reason, of course)? You never know what you might discover about yourself or the world around you.