Why You Should Never Shave A Cat

Why you should never shave a cat

Why You Should Never Shave A Cat

We all love our cats, but sometimes they can be a little too hairy for our liking. After all, who wants a hairy cat shedding all over the place?

And in the summer months, when the weather is hot and sticky, it’s only natural to want to give our feline friends a little trim. We might think that we’re doing them a favor.

But before you reach for the razor, there are a few things you should know…

6 reasons why you shouldn’t shave your cat

1. Cats shed enough as it is

You may not realize it, but your cat is actually shedding their fur all the time. They shed more fur in the summer months than at any other time of year. So when you shave your cat, you’re doing so unnecessarily.

Additionally, cats groom themselves frequently, which includes licking and removing any loose fur. When you shave your cat, you’re disrupting this natural process and essentially giving them a haircut they don’t need.

2. It’s bad for their skin

Cats have very sensitive skin, and shaving can cause irritation and even infections. Razors can also cut your cat’s skin, which can be painful and dangerous.

3. It can make them too hot or too cold

Cats rely on their fur to regulate their body temperature. When you shave them, you’re taking away their natural ability to stay cool in the summer heat. This can lead to heatstroke or even sunburn. Yes, cats can get sunburned, too!

Likewise, shaving a cat in the winter can make them too cold. Without their fur to keep them warm, they’re at risk of developing hypothermia or other cold-related illnesses.

4. It grows back unevenly

Unlike human hair, which grows back evenly after being shaved, cat fur grows back in patches. This is because their fur is actually made up of two different types of hair: the long, outer hairs called “guard hairs” and the shorter, inner hairs called “down hairs.”

When you shave a cat, the guard hairs grow back first. But since they’re shorter than the down hairs, they stick up while the rest of their fur grows back in. This gives the cat an uneven, patchy appearance that can be quite unsightly.

5. It’s stressful for them (and you)

Cats don’t enjoy being shaved any more than we do. The whole process is stressful for them (and for you, too). You’ll have trouble getting them to sit still, and then you might have to deal with them trying to flee, bite, or scratch you.

6. They might be ridiculed by their peers

I hear you laughing, but this concept is not as bizarre as it sounds! Other cats might not take kindly to a shaven feline. They may hiss, growl, or even attack your cat out of sheer confusion.

Animals are aware of anomalies in their environment, and a shaved cat qualifies as one. Anomalies put fear into cats, so their first response might be to get as far away from the shaved cat as possible. This could lead to your cat being isolated from the rest of the feline community.


Cats are already low-maintenance pets. They don’t need us to shave them; they can groom themselves just fine. Their fur is the way it is for a reason, and we should respect that.

So unless there’s a medical reason for shaving them, just leave their fur be.