Why You Should Never Take Off Your Wedding Ring

Why you should never take off your wedding ring

Why You Should Never Take Off Your Wedding Ring

Wearing your wedding ring has been a symbol of love and commitment for centuries. It is a distinctive sign to those around you that you are taken, and it can also be a reminder to yourself that this relationship is worth fighting for.

So what happens when you decide to take it off? What message could you be sending, and what are the repercussions?

This post will explore 6 reasons why you should avoid removing your wedding ring, and what to do if you’re forced to.

1) It’s a symbol of your love

When you got married and exchanged those all-important vows, you also exchanged rings. Those rings are a physical representation of the promises you made to each other – the promise to love and cherish your spouse.

By taking off your ring, this throws into question your love and commitment to your husband or wife.

2) You might attract unwanted attention

Some people might see your unadorned hand as a clear sign of marital status. As such, you’re likely to attract unwanted attention or may be mistaken for single when in fact you’re not.

If you want to protect yourself from this type of discomfort and hassle, it’s best that you keep wearing the ring on your finger!

3) Others will notice and get suspicious

You can’t take off your wedding ring without people who know you noticing and suspecting (rightly or wrongly) that something has changed in your marriage.

Friends, family and acquaintances will notice that there’s something missing from your finger, if you’ve gone long enough without wearing your ring. Their curiosity will get the better of them, and they’ll wonder if you’re separated; and if so, why.

You’ll soon be inundated with questions from concerned nosy people, asking you if everything is okay at home.

4) You might not be able to get it back on

Our fingers can sometimes swell. If this happens when your wedding ring is off, there’s always the chance that you might not be able to get it back on again.

You’d be forced to visit a jeweler to get it resized, and this won’t be cheap.

5) It sends the wrong message to your spouse

You may have valid reasons for wanting to take off your ring, none of which have anything to do with how you feel about your spouse. However, some people might be very sensitive to things like the removal of a ring. Your spouse might think your feelings toward them have changed for the worse.

If, say, you’ve had an argument recently, and your ring removal coincided with that, despite it having nothing to do with the fight, you may be signaling to your spouse that you’re reconsidering the marriage.

6) It could get lost

When your wedding ring spends any time off of your hand, the chances of you losing it increase tenfold.

Rings are small enough to easily get misplaced, fall down the drain, get eaten by a dog etc., never to be recovered again.

That said, there are justifiable reasons why you might have to take off your wedding band. These include:

  • If it gets too tight, perhaps if you gain weight or your hand swells up

  • Washing your hair

  • Cooking, cleaning dishes or doing other messy tasks that might get your ring wet and dirty

  • Doing any kind of strenuous physical activity where it could fall off

In instances like these, there are things you can do to ensure that your ring stays safe and you don’t send the wrong messages about your marital status:

  • wear it on a necklace or chain around your neck

  • limit the amount of time it spends off your hand

  • put it somewhere safe, always in the same place, so you know exactly where to find it

  • avoid taking it off after a fight with your spouse