Why You Should Never Use Google Chrome

Why You Should Never Use Google Chrome

Why You Should Never Use Google Chrome

When it comes to web browsers, Google Chrome is one of the most popular, and most reliable, options out there. It’s fast, it’s easy to use, and it’s got a ton of features that make it a great choice for both casual users and power users alike.

In terms of search, Google’s search engine is the most powerful in the world, and using Chrome gives you access to all of Google’s search features right from your browser.

Extending the capabilities of Chrome is also easy, thanks to the huge selection of extensions and add-ons that are available in the Chrome store.

How many people use Google Chrome?

With all of these awesome features, it’s no small wonder that Google Chrome was the preferred web browser of over 3.2 billion users in 2021, according to Statista. That’s half of web users globally!

And yet, for all its popularity, there are a number of very good reasons why you might want to reconsider using Google Chrome as your go-to browser.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t use Google Chrome

1. It’s a battery hog

If you’re using a laptop or other portable device, then battery life is probably important to you. And unfortunately, Google Chrome is a big drain on battery power.

According to ZDNET, Google Chrome is a major culprit when it comes to draining your laptop’s battery. From our own experience, we can attest to the fact that Chrome eats up more battery energy than other web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and even Microsoft Edge, which has been optimized to run more efficiently on Windows devices.

2. It’s a memory hog

In addition to being a battery hog, Google Chrome is also a memory hog. That means it takes up more of your computer’s RAM than other browsers, which can lead to slower performance, especially on older or lower-powered devices.

3. It’s a privacy concern

If you’re worried about online privacy, then you should know that Google Chrome is not the most privacy-friendly web browser.

In fact, Chrome has been criticized by privacy advocates for collecting a lot of user data, including your browsing history, search queries, and even your location. And while you can adjust your privacy settings to limit the amount of data that Chrome collects, it’s still a concern if you’re worried about online privacy.

4. It’s not open-source

Unlike some other web browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome is not an open-source project. That means the code that makes up Chrome is not publicly available for anyone to inspect or modify.

If you’re someone who values transparency and security, then this might be a big concern. After all, if the code that makes up Chrome is not publicly available, then it’s impossible to know if there are any security vulnerabilities or privacy concerns that have not been addressed.

5. It’s owned by Google

Speaking of security and privacy concerns, it’s worth mentioning that Google Chrome is, of course, owned by Google. And while Google is a big company with a lot of resources, it’s also worth noting that the company has been embroiled in several controversies over the years.

From collecting user data to being accused of monopoly practices, there are a number of reasons why you might not want to trust Google with your browsing data, or support the company and make it more powerful.

6. It doesn’t work well on all devices

Compatibility issues are always a concern when it comes to software, and unfortunately, Google Chrome isn’t exempt from this. While Chrome is available on a wide range of devices, from desktop computers to smartphones, it doesn’t work well on all of them.

For example, Chrome can be a bit buggy on Apple’s iPhone and iPad, and it doesn’t always work as well as Safari, the default web browser on these devices. Similarly, Chrome can also have issues on older or lower-powered devices, which can lead to slow performance and crashes.

7. Monopolies aren’t good

Although Google Chrome doesn’t have a monopoly on web browsing, it might as well have one, because it’s so dominant. This is in part because people are less willing to switch to a new web browser once they’ve gotten used to using one, and also because Google Chrome comes as the default browser on many devices.

But monopolies aren’t good for anyone, except the company that has them. They stifle innovation and limit choice. By continuing to use Google Chrome, you’re effectively supporting Google’s monopoly and giving the company even more control over the Internet.

8. Too much algorithm manipulation

Though Google is constantly trying to improve its platforms to be more efficient and user-friendly, sometimes these changes can do more harm than good.

Google’s updates have been known to manipulate what users see by controlling the algorithms that determine the order of search results. This means that certain pages or topics could be buried if Google doesn’t want them to be too visible.

And while this might not seem like a big deal, it can have a significant impact on the way we access information and make decisions. After all, if we’re only seeing what Google wants us to see, then we’re not really getting the full picture.

The best alternatives to Google Chrome

Google Chrome isn’t the only game in town. Not by a long shot. There are some great alternatives that work just as well, or better, than Chrome.


Brave is a web browser that puts privacy and security first. It comes with a built-in ad blocker and tracking protector, and it doesn’t collect any of your data. It’s also open source, so you can be sure that the code is secure and transparent.


Opera is another great alternative to Google Chrome. It’s a fast, lightweight browser that comes with a built-in ad blocker and VPN. Opera also has many unique features, like a battery saver mode and the ability to block web trackers.

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is a popular open-source web browser with a long history. It’s well-known for being privacy-conscious and for its wide range of customization options. Firefox also comes with built-in browsing protection and parental controls.

These are just a few of the many alternatives to Google Chrome. So if you’re concerned about privacy, battery life, or monopolies, consider switching to a different web browser. Your internet experience might just improve in the process.