Why You Should Never Wash Your Jeans

Why you should never wash your jeans

Why You Should Never Wash Your Jeans

Denim is one of the most popular materials in the world. It’s comfortable, stylish, and versatile. But there’s one thing that many people don’t realize about denim: it doesn’t need to be washed very often.

In fact, washing your jeans too often can actually damage them, particularly if you’re using a washing machine. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why washing your jeans might not be the best idea, plus some tips on how to extend the life of your denim.

5 reasons why you shouldn’t wash your jeans

1. Washing fades denim

One of the things that makes denim so special is its unique coloring. That rich blue hue is achieved through a process called indigo dyeing, which is notoriously difficult to keep from fading.

Every time you wash your jeans, some of that indigo dye will come out in the water, resulting in gradual fading over time. If you want your jeans to keep their color for as long as possible, it’s best to wash them as little as possible.

2. Washing causes shrinkage

Another reason to avoid washing your jeans too often is that it can cause them to shrink. Denim is made from cotton, which is a natural fiber that tends to contract when it gets wet.

So if you wash your jeans and then dry them in the dryer, they may end up being a bit shorter and tighter than they were before.

3. Washing wears out denim

In addition to causing shrinkage and fading, washing also puts unnecessary wear and tear on denim fabric. Every time you wash your jeans, the fabric becomes slightly more worn and frayed.

Over time, this can lead to thinning fabric, hole development, and other signs of wear and tear.

4. Washing uses a lot of resources

It’s important to consider the environmental impact of washing your jeans too often. Washing machines use large amounts of water and energy, which can put a strain on local resources like water supplies and power plants.

By washing something unnecessarily, you’re contributing to the depletion of these resources, whilst raising your energy bill.

5. They fit more snuggly when you don’t wash them

And finally, many people find that their jeans fit better when they don’t wash them as often. Denim is a stiffer fabric, and it can take a while for it to break in and become more comfortable.

If you wash your jeans too often, you might find that they never quite feel broken-in and comfortable.

How to keep jeans from shrinking and fading in the wash

Of course, sooner or later, you are going to need to wash your jeans, lest you end up with a pair that smells and looks bad. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of shrinkage.

Wash jeans in cold water

Always wash your jeans in cold water. Hot water will cause them to shrink more than cold water will.

Hand wash them

Washing machines are hard on denim, so if you can, hand wash your jeans instead.

Hang dry them

Hang dry your jeans instead of using the dryer. The heat from the dryer can also cause shrinkage.

Turn them inside out

When you wash your jeans, turn them inside out. This will help prevent the color from fading.

Use low heat if using a dryer

If you must use the dryer, put your jeans on a low heat setting. High heat will cause shrinkage.

Use a denim-friendly detergent

Some laundry detergents are harsher on denim than others. If you can, find a detergent that’s specifically designed for use on denim.

Wash jeans less often

This one is pretty self-explanatory: the less often you wash your jeans, the less chance there is of them shrinking and deteriorating.