Why You Should Never Wear Sunglasses

Why you should never wear sunglasses

Why You Should Never Wear Sunglasses

We all know how important it is to protect our eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. Exposure to UV light can lead to a number of eye problems, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and pterygium. Wearing sunglasses is one of the best ways to protect your eyes from these dangers.

For many people, there’s no way they would go outside without their trusty shades. And while wearing sunglasses is generally a good idea when you’re spending time outdoors, there are several reasons why it’s probably best to avoid wearing them unless absolutely necessary. Let’s explore this below.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t wear sunglasses

1. Wearing sunglasses can make it harder to see

This is because they limit the amount of light that enters your eyes, making it difficult to adjust to changes in light levels. For example, if you’re walking from a shady area into a sunny one, it can take your eyes a few seconds to adjust. During that time, you won’t be able to see as well.

Also, sunglasses in general make it difficult to distinguish between colors and see detail. This can be a problem when driving, as you might not be able to see important road signs or hazard markers as clearly.

2. They can cause headaches and eye fatigue

Wearing sunglasses for extended periods can lead to headaches and eye fatigue. This is because your eyes have to work harder when they’re under the shade of your glasses.

3. Wearing sunglasses can damage your eyesight over time

While sunglasses do protect your eyes from UV rays, they can actually damage your eyesight if you wear them too often. This is because the lenses of your sunglasses filter out all wavelengths of light, including both harmful and beneficial ones.

You also run the risk of developing light sensitivity if you wear sunglasses all the time. This is a result of your eyes not getting enough exposure to sunlight. Light sensitivity can lead to migraines, among other things.

4. They can make you look suspicious

When you wear sunglasses, you’re not only shading your eyes from the sun but the people around you as well. This can make you look suspicious and shady.

People might think you’re trying to hide something, which can make them feel uncomfortable. It can also make it difficult for people to trust you.

5. Wearing certain types of sunglasses while driving is illegal in some places

Believe it or not, it’s illegal to wear certain types of shades in some countries, and you might end up with a hefty fine if you’re caught.

In the UK, for example, drivers caught wearing “the wrong kind” of sunglasses can be fined up to £5000 ($5500), though no clear guidelines are given as to what constitutes “the wrong kind.”

The types most likely to result in a fine are those that are too dark or reflective, as they can impede your vision or cause glare.

6. You might look stuck up or unapproachable

Sunglasses are often donned by people who want to avoid being seen and approached by others. You’ll usually see celebrities and VIPs sporting them when they don’t want to be bothered by paparazzi or fans.

While this might not be a problem if you’re just trying to enjoy a quiet day out, it can make you look unapproachable and even stuck up. This is because people might think you’re not interested in talking to them, or that you think you’re too cool for school.

7. You could miss out on important nonverbal cues

When you wear sunglasses, you’re missing out on important nonverbal cues from the people around you. 55% of communication is done through body language, and wearing sunglasses sometimes covers up facial expressions.

This will make it difficult to read people, as you won’t be able to see if they’re happy, sad, angry, or anything else. It can also make it difficult to gauge someone’s trustworthiness.

8. You might look silly

Wearing sunglasses in the wrong place, at the wrong time, or for no reason at all can make you look silly. For example, if you wear them indoors or at night, people will think you’re foolish.

Most people still view sunglasses as protective wear, so any use outside of that context can come across as odd.

Even if you are wearing them for a legitimate reason, like to protect your eyes from the sun, you might still look silly if you’re not careful. Wearing sunglasses that are too big or too small for your face, or that don’t match your outfit can make you look like a clown.


Eye protection should, first and foremost, be your number one priority when deciding whether or not to wear sunglasses. As the sun gets hotter and the UV rays get stronger, it’s more important than ever to protect your eyes from damage.

That being said, consider all the risks and drawbacks that come with wearing sunglasses before you decide to put them on. They might seem like a small thing, but they could have a big impact on your life.