Why You Should Never Eat At A Buffet

Why you should never eat at a buffet

Why You Should Never Eat At A Buffet

There’s something about a buffet that just screams “all-you-can-eat!” And for most of us, that’s exactly the appeal. Who doesn’t love the idea of being able to eat as much food as they want? To go back for seconds (or thirds!) of their favorite dishes?

And while buffets may seem like a great deal, there are actually quite a few reasons why you should avoid them at all costs. In this article, we’ll explore some of those reasons.

10 reasons why you shouldn’t eat at a buffet

1. The food is usually not fresh

Since buffets are constantly replenishing their food supply, you can never be sure how long the food has been sitting out. And we all know that the longer food sits out, the less fresh it becomes.

This extended exposure to the elements and both the people handling the food and selecting it can compromise its flavor, taste, and freshness.

2. The food is usually not healthy

While there may be a few healthy options at a buffet, the vast majority of the food is unhealthy. That’s because most buffets focus on quantity over quality, and offer high-calorie, high-fat, and high-sodium foods that are not good for you.

You’ll often find greasy, fried foods, as well as sugary desserts, that can pack on the pounds and contribute to health problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

3. You’re more likely to overeat

All-you-can-eat buffets are almost presented as challenges to see how much food you can consume. You’ll go back for more even when you’re already full because it’s “unlimited”, and because you want to get your money’s worth.

This will inevitably lead to overeating. It’s not unusual for people to consume more than twice the recommended daily amount of calories when they eat at buffets.

4. The food is often low quality

In order to keep costs down, most buffets serve lower quality, mass-produced foods. These foods are usually highly processed and full of preservatives, artificial flavors, and other not-so-healthy ingredients.

You’re not likely to find fresh, healthy, and locally sourced foods at a buffet.

5. The price is not always worth it

Just because a buffet is all-you-can-eat doesn’t mean it’s a good deal. In fact, buffets typically charge by the pound, so if you’re not careful, you could end up paying more than you would at a sit-down restaurant.

Also, keep in mind that most buffets offer a limited selection of food, so you may not have much choice.

6. Germs galore

Since buffets are self-serve, you have no idea who has touched the food or how clean their hands are. And let’s face it, buffets are usually pretty crowded, so there’s a good chance that someone has sneezed or coughed on the food.

All of this increases your risk of getting sick from bacteria and viruses.

7. They’re not really unlimited

While buffets may advertise “all-you-can-eat”, that doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want. Most buffets will limit the amount of time you can stay and eat, and some will even limit the number of trips you can make to the buffet line.

Everything is monitored, and actions may be taken if you’re seen to be abusing the system. So you’re not really getting an “unlimited” supply of food.

8. The atmosphere is usually unpleasant

Buffets are often crowded and noisy, which can make for a less than enjoyable dining experience. There’s always a frenzied feeling as everyone rushes to get their food, and it can be pretty chaotic.

Before long, you’ll start to feel like you’re in a cattle herd! The entire experience can be quite overwhelming.

9. They’re bad for the environment

The vast amount of food waste generated by buffets is extremely harmful to the environment. Much of this food is thrown out and ends up in landfills, where it emits methane gas, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

10. You’ll feel fat and lethargic

In the beginning, when you sit down with your first plate of food, you’ll probably feel pretty good. But after a while, you’ll start to feel full and bloated, and may even get a stomachache.

You may also feel tired and lazy from all the food you’ve eaten, or just generally not feel very well. Eventually, you’ll regret eating all of that horrible food.

Final thought

Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason. All-you-can-eat buffets are temptation personified and will lead to overindulgence and all sorts of health problems.

Don’t say you weren’t warned!