Why You Should Never Leave A Water Bottle In A Hot Car

Why You Should Never Leave A Water Bottle In A Hot Car

Why You Should Never Leave A Water Bottle In A Hot Car

Cars are like moving storage units these days. We keep everything in them – from food to clothes, phones to water bottles.

Most of the time, we leave things in there without thinking twice about it, and most of the time, it’s a pretty harmless thing to do.

Except when it comes to water bottles.

Leaving a water bottle in a hot car is one of those things that seems innocent enough, but can actually be pretty dangerous. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why you’re much better off taking your bottle with you when you leave your car parked in the sun.

6 reasons why you shouldn’t leave your water bottle in a hot car

1. It can release harmful chemicals into the water

When a plastic water bottle is left in a hot car, it can actually start to break down and release chemicals like BPA (Bisphenol A) and phthalates into the water.

These chemicals are known endocrine disruptors that can interfere with hormones in your body, potentially leading to health problems like obesity, diabetes, and even cancer.

So, if you drink water from a plastic bottle that’s been sitting in a hot car for too long, you could be ingesting these harmful chemicals.

2. The heat can cause bacterial growth

Water bottles are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria – they’re moist and warm, which makes them an ideal environment for microbes to thrive. When left in a hot car, the temperature inside the bottle can rise quickly, creating an even more hospitable atmosphere for bacteria to grow.

Drinking water that’s contaminated with bacteria can lead to all sorts of unpleasant symptoms like stomach pain and diarrhea.

3. It can affect the taste of your water

Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you drink water from a plastic bottle, it has a weird taste? That could be because the heat from your car’s interior is causing chemicals to leach into the water, which changes its flavor.

Not only can this be unpleasant, but it can also make you less likely to drink enough water throughout the day – thereby leading to dehydration.

4. It can damage your bottle

Though most plastic water bottles are single use and thus not meant to be reused, some people like to refill them and use them again. However, leaving a plastic water bottle in a hot car can cause it to weaken and become more prone to cracking or breaking.

This is also true of the multi-use water bottles that are designed to be used over and over again. The heat can cause the plastic to warp, which not only weakens the bottle but also affects its ability to hold liquid properly.

5. It’s a fire hazard

As crazy as this sounds, it’s not unheard of for water bottles left in hot cars to actually start fires.

When sunlight’s involved, car windows can act like magnifying glasses, focusing the light onto the bottle and causing it to ignite any flammable materials nearby (like paper or fabric).

While this is rare, it’s still something that you definitely don’t want happening – especially if you’ve got other valuables in your car.

6. Warm water is the last thing you need on a hot day

Finally, leaving your water bottle in a hot car means that you’ll be left with warm water to drink when you finally come back to it.

On a hot day, the last thing you want is to drink warm water – it’s just not refreshing or satisfying.

Wrapping up

Most people don’t tend to return to water bottles that they’ve left in their hot cars, because it doesn’t make for a pleasant drinking experience. But in case you were ever tempted to, I hope this article has convinced you otherwise.

The bottom line is that leaving a water bottle in a hot car can be harmful to your health, damage the bottle itself, and even pose a fire hazard. All of this can be avoided by simply taking your water bottle with you when you leave your car parked in the sun.