Why You Should Never Cook With Olive Oil

Why you should never cook with olive oil

Why You Should Never Cook With Olive Oil

We all know that olive oil is one of the healthier options when it comes to cooking oils. It’s packed with antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats. These things have been shown to lower cholesterol and improve heart health.

And while olive oil is certainly a healthier option than, say, vegetable oil, that doesn’t mean it’s without its drawbacks. Let’s discuss some of the reasons why you might want to opt for a different cooking oil the next time you’re in the kitchen.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t cook with olive oil

1. Olive oil has a relatively low smoke point

This means that it can start to smoke and break down at relatively lower temperatures than other oils. This low smoke point will make it less ideal for cooking methods like stir-frying or pan-frying, where you need to use a higher heat.

What’s more, this breakdown changes the flavor of the oil and can also release harmful compounds. When olive oil is heated to its smoke point, it can start to produce free radicals, which are damaging to our cells.

2. Olive oil is expensive

Let’s be honest, olive oil is not cheap. A good quality extra virgin olive oil can easily set you back $20 or more for a small bottle.

And while it’s true that you don’t need to use as much olive oil as you would other cooking oils, it’s still going to add up if you’re using it regularly.

3. Olive oil is high in fat

Now, this might not be a big deal to some people, but if you’re trying to watch your fat intake, cooking with olive oil is probably not the best idea.

Olive oil is almost 100% fat, and while it is the healthy type – unsaturated – you’ll still be getting a lot of calories from it.

4. Olive oil can go bad quickly

Another downside to olive oil is that it can go bad relatively quickly, especially if it’s not stored properly.

Light, heat, and air can all cause olive oil to degrade. This is why, if you’re going to use it, it’s important to store it in a cool, dark place.

5. Olive oil can give food a weird flavor

If you’re not used to cooking with olive oil, the flavor can be a bit off-putting. It can make food taste greasy or oily, even if you didn’t use much of it. This means that it’s not going to be suitable for all recipes.

6. Olive oil can be difficult to find in stores

Depending on where you live, it can be tough to find olive oil in your local store. Olive oil is considered a specialty item, so it’s not always carried by some retailers. This is especially true if you live in a rural or economically deprived area.

7. Most of the olive oil in stores is mixed with other oils

Even if you do manage to find olive oil in the store, there’s a good chance that it’s not 100% pure. Many brands cut their olive oil with cheaper, more processed oils like sunflower or canola oil. So, even if you’re paying a premium for it, you’re still not getting the best quality product.

Alternatives to olive oil

So, if olive oil is not the best cooking oil out there, what are some better alternatives?

Well, it really depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re concerned about healthy fats, then avocado oil might be a good option. Avocado oil is high in healthy fats and has a higher smoke point than olive oil, making it better suited for cooking.

Coconut oil is another great option that is high in healthy fats and also has been shown to have several health benefits, such as improving skin health and boosting metabolism.

If you’re on a budget, then vegetable oil or canola oil might be a better option. These are cheaper than olive oil and still have a fairly high smoke point, though they’re not as healthy as some of the other options.